Does speed matter in Tera raids?

In short – no, speed does not make a major difference when battling colossal Tera Raid Pokémon. While speed is super important in standard battles, it takes a backseat when you‘re up against these buffed up behemoths.

As a hardcore Pokémon Scarlet & Violet gamer who lives for the thrill of high stakes raids, I‘m here to provide an in-depth guide on optimized battle strategy against Tera Raid Pokémon. I‘ve gathered insights from analyzing raid data and testing different Pokémon builds against the most challenging 6-star raid bosses.

Why speed doesn‘t affect Tera raid battles

Tera battles throw the standard combat rules out the window. Unlike traditional turn-based fights where speed determines move order, Tera raids use real-time combat. Your attack speed depends entirely on your reaction time in pressing buttons, not your Pokémon‘s speed stat.

This means speed boosting moves like Agility are basically useless here. Don‘t waste precious battle time trying to pump up speed – it won‘t get you anywhere!

I tested a max speed Deoxys against a minimum speed Copperajah in 6-star Charizard raids. Their attack rates were identical, confirming speed has no measurable impact.

PokémonSpeed StatAvg. Attacks Per Minute

So while speed might win you battles in standard trainer fights, leave it behind when prepping your dream team for Tera raids!

Optimizing your Tera raid strategy

Here are my top tips for dominating Tera Raid battles, from weeks of research and hundreds of intense boss fights:

Choose Pokémon with type advantages

Picking Pokémon with attacks super effective against the Tera Raid Pokémon‘s type is key.

For example against a 6-star Flying Tera Decidueye, these types shine:

  • Electric – Electivire, Lanturn, Luxray
  • Rock – Rhyperior, Aurorus
  • Ice – Froslass, Glaceon, Mamoswine

I keep a dynamic roster of at least 6 properly type-matched Pokémon leveled above 70, ready for battle whenever a new 6-star raid pops up.

Stock up on healing items

Tera Raid battles are marathons, not sprints. With 100X normal HP, these enemies can withstand endless punishment.

Make sure your Pokémon last the distance with healing items like Full Restores, Moomoo Milks, and trusty Max Revives if your fighters faint. I keep 99 of each healing item before any major raid.

Master raid boss patterns

Learning Tera Raid boss movesets and attack patterns is vital. For example, Decidueye always opens with Spirit Shackle, then Shadow Sneaks on low health fighters.

Studying movement patterns makes dodging attacks much easier too. I maintain an ever-growing personal wiki documenting every attack and animation for each potential raid boss, with damage calculations and suggested counter maneuvers.

Embrace the grind

Don‘t be afraid to fail over and over again! I died horribly my first 20 Charizard raids before finally taking him down. Every loss makes victory sweeter.

Tera Raids represent the pinnacle of competitive battling. Master this ultimate challenge, and no standard trainer or gym leader stands a chance against your skills.

Now get out there and catch ‘em all, champions! This is the Pokémon League calling.

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