Does Spider-Man ps4 have a kid?

No, the version of Spider-Man starring in Marvel‘s Spider-Man for PlayStation 4 does not have any children over the course of the game. While long-time love interest Mary Jane Watson does play a prominent role, Spidey remains a bachelor in this portrayal focused on his life juggling crime-fighting and career ambitions in his mid-20s.

Examining Black Cat‘s Deceptive Son

In the “The Heist” DLC chapter, former girlfriend Black Cat claims she needs Spider-Man’s help to rescue her son. This son, however, turns out to be completely made up – a deception meant to manipulate Spidey into assisting with a robbery. While Black Cat has never had a canonical child with Peter Parker in the comics, what factors make her story implausible even by superhero standards?

For starters, Black Cat currently being a mother seems highly unlikely given her thrill-seeking personality and lack of any maternal instincts thus far. She remains a professional thief tempted by big scores, not parenting. The fact that she fabricates a custody dispute as the pretext also suggests desperation to appeal to Spider-Man’s sympathy rather than genuinely having a child that needs protection.

Of course, Black Cat’s murky past leaves room for speculation. If she did have a secret pregnancy from a previous relationship, perhaps with Spider-Man himself, raising that child alone while staying off the grid from foes could fit her situation. Though again, becoming a mother risks dulling Black Cat‘s trademark daring and flirtatiousness. Other alternate versions of the character have settled down to raise families, but Insomniac Games makes a deliberate choice to maintain this Black Cat‘s high-flying, unpredictable status quo.

Peter Parker‘s Comic Book Kids

While the PS4 release remains dedicated to a childless Spider-Man, Peter Parker has fathered several children across varied comic eras and spin-off timelines:

  • May “Mayday” Parker – In the MC2 universe envisioned as a future of the 616 main comics, Peter and Mary Jane have a daughter who becomes Spider-Girl after inheriting abilities and taking up the webbed mantle. One of Marvel’s most popular “legacy” heroes.
  • Ben Parker – In an alternate reality explored in Spider-Man: Life Story, Peter and Gwen Stacy have a son named after Uncle Ben who receives a tragic introduction to his father’s costumed identity.
  • Annie May Parker – Daughter of Peter and MJ in the Renew Your Vows series set in a divergent reality where his marriage survives. Also possesses powers as the hero Spiderling.
  • Various – Miles Morales, Spider-UK, Ultimate Jessica Drew all have versions of Peter as their actual or genetic father in stories across the Spider-Verse.

Clearly fatherhood fits firmly within the Spider-Man mythos – so why does Insomniac’s acclaimed game omit this?

Why This Spider-Man Stays Single

While Spider-parents sell plenty of comics, Insomniac smartly tailored this Peter Parker for the maximum appeal of their core Playstation audience. Centering the story around a still-developing Spidey building his career allows for the greatest sense of fun, mobility, and youthful drama – having a child anchor Peter down with domestic responsibility threatens all that.

Black Cat serves as the temptation of Peter’s lingering bachelorhood, while Mary Jane offers complications of a more serious future. Committing to either relationship path currently would undermine his vulnerability everyman nature that helps players immerse themselves in the role. Peter’s love life here, much like his graduate studies and photojournalism career, take a backseat to momentum of empowering web-slinging gameplay first and foremost.

Unlike Batman, Spider-Man does not typically take on a sidekick protégé role – so including a kid side character lacks relevance to these games’ themes and mechanics. On PlayStation, Spider-Man soars solo.

Why Games Need More Super Parents

However, gaming still sorely lacks representation of heroes balancing their crusades against evil and the commitments of family obligations. PlayStation’s defining icons seem stubbornly childless for generations – Kratos buries every fatherly bone in his body while Nathan Drake values treasure over true lineage. Recognizing the worldwide demographics of parenting gamers goes hand-in-hand with maturing plots tackling love and loss.

We have seen glimpses worth expanding: God of War’s 2018 revival featuring an older, wiser Kratos caring for his young son Atreus to masterful emotional effect. Assassin’s Creed IV having Edward Kenway father the eventual protagonist Haytham in a direct bloodline. Expanding this to giving players opportunities to directly guide and bond with their created progeny could provide brilliant new dimensions to typically childless systems like open-world crimefighting. A Spider-Dad premise sells itself.

Of course, some may argue parenthood risks softening the independence central to embodying the power fantasy escapism games provide. This holds some truth – however, the family foil could serve as added incentive or higher stakes raising tension. Bioshock 2 demonstrated this in the loyalty shift from personal gain to your Little Sister. Publishers underestimate gaming parents’ drive to share deeper adventures with the next player generation.

Will Sequels See Spider-Dad?

While the inaugural PS4 entry makes clear Peter Parker has years yet to settle down, potential sequels may tap into this next obvious phase of his life journey. A more mentorship-focused follow-up could even position Peter taking on a Robin-like figure as opposed to his own kid – perhaps fan-favorite Miles Morales earning his web wings. Yet crossing over into fatherhood himself having kids to protect besides Manhattan offers plenty of narrative promise.

The Spider-Man post-credits scene seeds Felicia Hardy’s return – what if she again claims they share a child, this time truthfully? Insomniac could have some storyline surprises up those skin-tight sleeves…or should play out Peter Parker’s personal life however best serves this beloved incarnation’s free-swinging, youthful spirit.

Either way, Spider-Man PlayStation players can rest assured no darling Goblin Juniors or li’l Octopi will distract their digital alter ego from cleaning up the streets anytime soon. For now, the only worried caretaker of Peter is ever-fretful Aunt May while this hero nurtures the city itself back to healthy order.

But never say never. Spidey just may settle down one day!

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