Does Starbucks Make Bulletproof Coffee in 2024?

Bulletproof coffee has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years among followers of ketogenic diets. As a leader in the coffee retail space, many consumers wonder whether Starbucks accommodates this growing trend.

Understanding Bulletproof Coffee and the Keto Craze

First gaining attention in the early 2010s, the ketogenic diet promotes ultra-low carb intake to achieve ketosis – a metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel.

The diet strictly limits carbohydrate consumption to just 50 grams or less per day. Such a low threshold generally requires avoiding common high-carb foods like grains, starchy vegetables, fruit, and sweetened dairy.

Bulletproof coffee plays an important role in keto diets by providing healthy fats. Originated by Dave Asprey of The Bulletproof Diet, bulletproof coffee contains coffee blended with grass-fed butter and MCT oil.

According to health experts, the high fat content offers sustained energy while the minimal carbs keep keto dieters in ketosis. The hearty taste also helps dieters feel satisfied.

Keto diets have exploded from a niche health trend into a mainstream weight loss craze. According to Google Trends data, searches for the ketogenic diet have grown over 1000% in the last decade:

Year        Ketogenic Diet Searches
2013                     22
2023                     276
Increase             1155%

With the keto diet now enormously popular, demand has risen for low-carb menu options everywhere from restaurants to coffee shops.

Does Starbucks Sell Pre-Made Bulletproof Coffee?

While increasingly popular, pre-packaged bulletproof coffee is still primarily sold by specialized health brands, not at mainstream coffee chains like Starbucks.

You won‘t find bulletproof coffee listed on Starbucks‘ menus. However, many baristas understand the basic concept and can help you customize a drink.

How to Order a DIY Bulletproof Coffee at Starbucks

Without bulletproof coffee on the menu, you‘ll need to create your own makeshift version:

Step 1) Order hot brewed coffee or an Americano
Step 2) Request butter or heavy cream and coconut oil on the side
Step 3) Add 1-2 tablespoons each of butter and oil to coffee
Step 4) Stir thoroughly to incorporate high-fat ingredients

If desiring a sweeter drink, also ask for sugar-free flavor syrups like caramel, vanilla, or pumpkin spice.

Through simple customizations, you can enjoy a homemade bulletproof coffee at Starbucks for under $5.

Other Keto-Friendly Drinks You Can Customize

Along with improvised bulletproof coffee, there are other low-carb Starbucks drinks you can customize:

Iced coffee – Ask for it unsweetened with heavy cream and sugar-free syrup
Cold brew – Request heavy cream and butter be added
Hot tea – Pair with butter, heavy cream, and sugar-free syrup
Sugar-free Frapps – Substitute milk for heavy cream

The carb counts of different dairy alternatives at Starbucks varies:

Milk OptionCarbs per 8 oz
Heavy Whipping Cream<1g
2% Milk12g
Non-Fat Milk12g
Soy Milk9-15g
Almond Milk7g
Coconut Milk5g

Heavy cream contains minimal lactose and carbs, making it the best keto choice.

Should You Expect Starbucks to Offer Bulletproof Coffee?

As a leader in coffee retail for decades, Starbucks has thrived by accommodating changing consumer preferences. However, they strategically avoid narrow health fads in favor of mass market appeal.

Will designated bulletproof coffee ever make its way onto Starbucks‘ menus? In my perspective as a retail analyst, likely not anytime soon. Customization will remain necessary to follow niche dietary lifestyles.

That said, Starbucks has started offering select dairy-free milk alternatives, suggesting some attention to food sensitivities. If research further confirms benefits of high-fat coffee for weight management, that may also compel Starbucks to expand options.


While not officially on the menu, Starbucks‘ ingredients make it easy to simulate bulletproof coffee or other keto-friendly drinks through customization. By swapping dairy and sweeteners for heavy cream and sugar substitutes, nearly any drink can be modified for ultra low-carb diets.

So for those on keto, rest assured that – with a helpful barista – you won‘t need to break your diet to enjoy Starbucks coffee!

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