Does Steam Have Brawl Stars?

No, as of 2023 Brawl Stars still remains a mobile-exclusive title not available natively through Steam or other PC gaming platforms.

The Runaway Success of Brawl Stars

Developed by Finnish studio Supercell, Brawl Stars has become one of the biggest mobile gaming phenomena in recent years. Since its wide release in 2018, this top-down online multiplayer arena brawler has amassed over 100 million downloads globally across the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.

It brings in an estimated $200 million annual revenue as the world’s 8th highest grossing mobile game, fueled constantly by in-app purchases from its diehard community.

While many titles see hype fade post-launch, Brawl Stars has gone from strength to strength through continuous content updates from Supercell. There are now 48 unique brawlers, complex progression systems including Club Leagues, and over a dozen competitive game modes receiving support years on. An entire esport scene with over $4 million prize money awarded also cements its status as a long term mobile esports staple.

But why restrict such a juggernaut to phones and tablets? With these kinds of mechanics and cult following, Brawl Stars seems like the perfect fit for modern PC gaming platforms. Well not so fast…

The Mobile Priority of Supercell

Finnish developer Supercell has always taken a mobile-first approach, even as its titles gain monumental playerbases. Look no further than Clash of Clans, which also lacks a dedicated desktop experience in favor of refinement on iOS and Android.

In fact, some of Brawl Stars’ design philosophies seem almost antithetical to traditional PC gaming ideals. The progression system is tuned for short, frictionless sessions – battle a few bots during your lunch break to unlock that shiny new Brawler. Such a variability-driven model has achieved mastery on mobile, where gamers fill spare minutes of downtime with arena battles.

Porting it to keyboard and mouse risks diluting what makes Brawl Stars so special – a no strings attached sandbox perfectly tailored for mobile hardware. Unencumbered by the need to monetize through upfront payments, the free-to-play mechanics also lend themselves better to impulse spending on the go rather than rationally evaluating purchases at a PC.

Add in the complexities for Supercell of maintaining separate clients, splitting playerbases, and reworking controls for keyboard/mouse…perhaps it becomes clearer why they are focusing efforts on enhancing the mobile gameplay experience for now.

How Does Brawl Stars Stack Up to PC Competitors?

The addition of Brawl Stars to Steam or Epic Games Store would see it rubbing shoulders with titles that have come to define the MOBA genre on PC. Juggernauts like League of Legends, DOTA 2, and Heroes of the Storm showcase how these quickfire competitive games have found immense success by building desktop-first experiences over the past decade.

How does Brawl Stars compare when put side by side with these titans of PC gaming?

Brawl StarsLeague of Legends
Playerbase100+ million180+ million Monthly Active
Revenue$200+ million per year$1.75+ billion in 2020

As we can see, Riot‘s LoL completely dwarfs rival MOBAs in scale – both by players and revenue. Competing head-on by launching Brawl Stars on the same platform seems risky for Supercell. They already have a winning formula on mobile, so why divert attention away when your title still sits comfortably as one of the world‘s top 10 grossing games?

Delivering cross-play and shared progression with the mobile client could perhaps be an olive branch sometime in the distant future. But for now, do not hold your breath waiting for Brawl Stars to appear for download on Steam.

Emulation – The Best Option for PC

For PC diehards desperate to play Brawl Stars with keyboard and mouse controls, third party emulation currently offers the next best solution. Emulators like BlueStacks allow installing the mobile client directly on Windows and Mac machines to mimic an Android environment.

But compromises in performance and stability have to be made for this convenience:

Mobile DeviceAndroid Emulator
Graphics and FPSOptimized for hardwareVaries greatly by PC specs
ControlsIntuitive touchscreenKeyboard/mouse not optimized
InstallationSimple app downloadComplex emulator setup

Playing natively on a flagship mobile phone or tablet still provides the smoothest and intended Brawl Stars experience for now. Emulation is abundantly popular regardless, as some swearing the friction is worth it to access Brawl Stars on desktop platforms.

The Future – What Are The Chances of a Steam Launch?

I predict likelihood of Brawl Stars launching on Steam in the next 2 years remains low. However 5 years out and beyond – it starts coming into the realm of possibility if player demand continues growing.

Driving this is the absolute dominance of the free-to-play plus in-app purchase model on mobile platforms. As long as whales keep pouring money into the Brawl Stars ecosystem, Supercell has little incentive to divert resources into a complex PC port.

However if we see playerbase and esports viewership spike drastically in regions like North America, Western Europe and Korea where PC gaming remains extremely popular? Then the cost/benefit analysis may begin to shift over the next 3-5 years.

For now in 2024 though, Steam will remain devoid of Brawl Stars as millions of fans globally continue enjoying the finely tuned freemium experience accessible exclusively on iOS and Android devices.

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