Does Tesco Express Sell Flowers in 2024? Your Guide to Buying Blooms

As convenient neighborhood shops stocking daily essentials, Tesco Express minimarkets understandably offer a smaller, more selective range than their full-size supermarket counterparts. But with major flower-gifting events filling up the calendar, shoppers want to know: does Tesco Express sell flowers?

The answer is yes. While the selection pales compared to a full Tesco store, Tesco Express locates do reliably carry flowers year-round, expanding options seasonally and around holidays. This allows time-crunched shoppers to quickly grab lovely, affordable blooms on the go.

The Most Common Flowers Available at Tesco Express

While selections fluctuate, the following stems feature regularly among Tesco Express flower offerings:

FlowerAverage Price per Bunch

These Tesco Express flower bunches contain 3-10 stems on average, making them ideal for compact gifting. Prices stay low, rarely exceeding £6.00.

Seasonal varieties like daffodils, irises, and hyacinths also make regular appearances when blooming. Of course, selection can still vary by individual store.

Tesco’s Kenya Flower Suppliers Lead in Sustainable Practices

All Tesco flowers, including those at Express locations, are exclusively sourced from the retailer‘s two certified fair trade farms in Kenya – Finlays and Oserian. Both suppliers adhere to ethical growing standards like:

  • Reduced carbon emissions – Solar biomass plants convert flower waste into energy
  • Water conservation – Natural geothermal energy powers greenhouse irrigation
  • Worker protections – Fair wages and rights are ensured across the farms

These sustainability practices earned Finlays the world’s first carbon neutral flower certification. So Tesco Express shoppers can trust they buy responsibly grown blooms with low environmental impact.

Caring for Flowers from Tesco Express

The good news is that as a trusted UK grocery leader, Tesco has strong supply chains ensuring its stores, including Express shops, get fresh flower deliveries.

Every Tesco flower bunch includes a freshness guarantee (typically 5-14 days). Follow these care tips and Tesco Express flowers can often last up to 2 weeks or more:

  • Recut stems diagonally underwater before placing in clean vase
  • Change water every 2-3 days, adding floral food as needed
  • Display flowers away from heat, drafts or direct sunlight

With proper maintenance, Tesco Express flowers deliver lasting beauty despite abbreviated selection. Their attentive Kenya growers enable top condition.

So for neighborhood flower convenience, Tesco Express shops yield cheerful, responsibly grown blooms adding personalized cheer to homes and gifting.

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