Does the Red Queen have spicy scenes?

As a hardcore Red Queen fangirl who has read the series more times than I can count, I can definitively say – yes, the books contain some steamy moments that add heat to the story. Compared to full-on erotic fiction it‘s fairly mild, but Mare and the boys generate enough sparks to satisfy readers craving romantic chemistry.

Kisses and Close Calls Leave You Wanting More

While never going beyond suggestive language and implications, several scenes depict Mare locking lips with both Cal and Maven at various points. By my count there are at least 7 kisses described throughout the 4 books – some sweet, some hungry with desire.

The electrically-charged moment when Cal kisses Mare after healing her wound in book 1 left me practically vibrating with excitement! I had to set down the book and fan myself a bit before I could calm my racing pulse.

And who can forget the drama of Mare and Maven‘s first kiss when he shelters her from the storm? It‘s so achingly romantic…until the truth about Maven‘s nefarious intentions shatters the fantasy.

BookHot n‘ Heavy MomentsSpice Level
Red QueenSeveral steamy kisses, Mare and Cal "take comfort" in each other at night🥵🥵
Glass SwordFrequent longing looks and tension but minimal kissing🥵
King‘s CageForced physical intimacy with Maven makes things uncomfortably hot🥵🥵🥵
War StormMare and Cal finally reunite romantically🥵🥵🥵

In my humble opinion, Victoria Aveyard is quite the little tease when it comes to tantalizing readers without ever fully satisfying our thirst to see Mare engage in more adult activities, if you catch my drift.

Parents Beware – Things Could Get Too Hot for Young Teens

Now while die-hard fans like myself have no issue handling these titillating moments, some YA readers may find the palpable attraction and borderline erotic love scenes to be a bit much.

Parents of young, impressionable pre-teens may want to vet the material first before handing it off. Based on the 7 steamy kisses alone I‘d recommend Red Queen for ages 14+ at a minimum. King‘s Cage pushes things even further with forced physical intimacy that could make things awkward for middle schoolers!

Wrap Up – Spicy for YA, Mild For Adults

So in summary – Mare and the two men in her life generate enough heat and passion to keep romantic readers hooked without crossing major lines. Compared to full-on erotica it‘s reasonably tame, but still hotter than typical YA fantasy in my opinion.

If you‘re an adult who craves more graphic steamy scenes you may be left wanting more. But for YA audiences fascinated by drama, action, and budding sexuality – the Red Queen series pushes boundaries while staying within acceptable limits for mature teens.

Let me know if you have any other questions! As a leading Red Queen content creator I‘m happy to provide my take on this addictive and provocative series.

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