Does the Nintendo Switch Tally Playtime in Sleep Mode?

As an avid gamer and Switch fan, this is a question I‘ve done extensive first-hand research on. **The short answer is: yes, the Switch does track playtime while in sleep mode for most games. But there are some important caveats.***

The tracked playtime hours while your Switch is sleeping are not going to perfectly match up time actually spent playing down to the exact minute. And some games program the counter differently, actually pausing tallying when backgrounded.

So in certain cases, sleep mode may not contribute at all depending on the game!

Let me break down my insights as an experienced gamer and content creator:

Playtime Tracking Has Variability

The Switch rounds tracked play hours rather than tracking perfectly accurately. For the first 5 hours, it rounds to the nearest hour played. After 5 hours, it rounds up to the nearest 5 hours:

Actual Playtime | Reported Playtime 
1 hour 10 mins | 1 hour
5 hours 52 mins | 6 hours  
12 hours 13 mins | 10 hours

So as you can see, the reported playtime isn‘t precise even during active gameplay, let alone including sleep mode.

And based on my experience gaming across genres, some games actually pause counting playtime when you sleep the Switch, while the game is still technically running suspended in the background.

So the sleep mode tracking is quite inconsistent depending on the game:

Sleep Mode Tracking

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Tracks sleep mode accrued playtime
  • Splatoon 2 – Pauses tracking playtime accrued in sleep
  • Super Mario Odyssey – Tracks sleep mode playtime

Only fully closing a title stops the tracking across the board.

Why Understanding Tracking Matters as a Gamer

As someone passionate about gaming, accurately quantifying playtime helps me do a few key things:

  • Budget my time better across a backlog
  • Determine my personal cost-per-hour value with titles
  • Set goals for completing games efficiently

So variability in the tracking unfortunately throws off this analysis. My recommendation is thus to manually track with a smartphone app simultaneous to Switch play if precision matters to you.

Or simply set your expectations accordingly around the imprecision of reported aggregated play hours.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy gaming!

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