Does the Wii Shop Still Work in 2023?

As an avid retro gamer and content creator, I get this question a lot – and the short answer is unfortunately no. The Wii Shop Channel officially closed down on January 30th, 2019, ending the 13-year run of Nintendo‘s digital storefront for the groundbreaking Wii console.

Re-Downloading Previously Purchased Games

While you can no longer buy new games or add funds on the Wii Shop, there is some functionality that still works in 2023:

Re-Downloading Games You Already Own

According to Nintendo Support, you can still re-download games and content you previously bought on the Wii Shop Channel.

1Go to the Wii Shop Channel
2Select "Titles You‘ve Downloaded"
3Find the game(s) you want and select "Redownload"

This table outlines the simple steps to access your Wii Shop purchase history and re-install any owned games. I‘ve used this capability to restore classics like Super Mario RPG on my personal Wii – so I can confirm it still works as of 2023!

Transferring Games to Wii U

If you‘ve upgraded to a Wii U since originally buying Wii Shop games, you may be pleased to hear you can also move your purchased content over to the Wii U!

Here is how to transfer Wii Shop Channel games to your Wii U system:

1On your Wii U, go to Wii Mode
2Open the Wii Shop Channel
3Select "Transfer Content"
4Choose the games to move to your Wii U

This allows you to play your classic Wii titles on the Wii U GamePad and breathe new life into old purchases. It‘s a handy capability that helps justify buying digital during the Wii era!

Key Features No Longer Functioning

Despite the lingering ability to re-download, most key features of the iconic Wii Shop Channel are now disabled:

  • Buying New Games/Content – The "WiiWare" and "Virtual Console" stores no longer allow purchases. This means gems like Super Mario RPG are gone for good if you don‘t already own them.
  • Redeeming Download Codes – Any unused Wii Shop prepaid cards or download codes can sadly no longer be redeemed.
  • Adding Funds – There is no way to top up your account wallet for new purchases. Previously added funds should have been used up prior to the 2019 closure.

So in summary – no new transactions or purchases can occur on the channel. The Wii Shop functionality is now solely limited to restoring your existing library.

The Legacy Continues on Wii U and 3DS eShops… For Now

The Wii Shop may be gone, but Nintendo is allowing continued access to purchases made on more recent platforms for the time being.

The Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShops are still functioning as of early 2023. However, these remaining legacy digital storefronts are due to close on March 27, 2023.

Per an announcement last year, after that date you‘ll only be able to re-download previously purchased games. So just like the late Wii Shop Channel – new purchases will come to an end.

In the lead-up to the closure, I‘d highly recommend existing 3DS/Wii U owners grab any must-have exclusives missing from your libraries. With download codes already disabled in anticipation of the shutdown, your only current option is direct purchases via saved credit card or eShop card funds.

Be sure to act before March 27th – lest you miss out on classics forever!

Why Close Down These Services?

Officially, Nintendo has stated shutting down aging digital services allows them to better prioritize newer platforms like the Switch. Maintaining legacy infrastructure isn‘t feasible long-term from either operational or cybersecurity standpoints.

While the business reasoning is sound, the bitter nostalgic gamer in me still feels a tinge of sadness seeing these defining storefronts fade into memory.

In their era, the Wii Shop Channel and DSi/3DS eShop stores were revolutionary. Allowing direct digital purchases fulfilled my childhood dream of walking out of Blockbuster with permanent game rentals!

Browsing for forgotten gems and lost classics brought so much joy – an experience yet unmatched even on current game stores. I still fondly remember that warm fuzzy feeling loading up the shop channel on a sleepy Sunday morning in my PJs – ready to unlock more virtual console wonders.

So while practical in the modern, all-digital era – I do mourn the slow demise of previous Nintendo storefronts. The steady march of legacy services shutting down reminds us video game history is still being written. And that our favorite digital stores and games won‘t last forever.

My advice to fellow nostalgic gamers – treasure those memories. And for games not already in your library, sadly now is the time to let go. The past is the past.

Does Any Wii Online Functionality Still Work?

Outside of the Wii Shop Channel specifically, you may be wondering what other online functionality remains active for Wii in 2023. After all, it‘s an internet-centric console built in the web 2.0 era!

Let‘s quickly break down what still works – and what has since been discontinued:

Online Play

  • Supported for remaining active games if game servers are still online
  • Most standard peer-to-peer matches should still work
  • Online leaderboards are hit or miss based on game


  • The original YouTube app was discontinued long ago
  • Can still watch YouTube on Wii via the web browser

Weather and News

  • Forecast Channel and News Channel are permanently discontinued

Messaging Friends

  • Wii Message Board is discontinued
  • Can‘t message friends without game-specific interfaces


  • Miiverse social network discontinued in 2017

Additional Services

As you can see, online capability depends heavily on the game. Any title relying on a server backend is risky in 2023 unless explicitly maintained by the developer. Peer-to-peer play has better longevity.

And Wii system features like messaging have mostly been retired. Maintaining aging infrastructure for a console two generations behind the Switch just isn‘t feasible anymore.

While Wii still offers nostalgic local multiplayer fun, most shared online experiences are long gone. We have to accept the march of progress even for former revolutionary consoles like the Wii.

The Curtain Call for Wii Shop and eShops

While players still boot up aging Wiis to play GameCube classics or re-experience motion controlled bowling, most online capability is essentially non-existent in 2023. The last remaining thread was the Wii Shop Channel – now faded to memory.

And we‘re soon to repeat history with the closure of the Wii U and 3DS eShops on March 27, 2023. All three digital storefronts will transition to download-only services without transactions for new games.

As a gaming historian and enthusiast, I‘m disappointed to lose pivotal marketplaces that fundamentally transformed how we discover and play games. Each push toward 100% digital brings convenience but loses traditions veterans hold dear.

Alas, for-profit companies like Nintendo prioritize evolving strategic visions over niche legacy support. As much as I‘ll pine for the golden days of morning Wii Shop Channel crawls in pajamas – the cream always rises to the top.

Here‘s hoping the impending Switch eShop era builds on the strong foundations laid by these three fallen soldiers – the Wii Shop Channel and 3DS/Wii U eShops. May we always remember the magic they brought bazillions of gamers worldwide for over a decade.

Safe travels, friends. And happy gaming wherever your adventures take you next. The Wiis may weep… but play on we shall!

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