Does Tidus Come Back in Final Fantasy X-2? An In-Depth Investigation

As a long-time Final Fantasy fan and expert, one of the most common questions I still see debated is whether Tidus returns in FFX-2. So let‘s settle this once and for all – yes, Tidus 100% returns near the end of FFX-2. But there‘s a lot more to the story!

I. Confirmation – Tidus Definitely Returns

I cannot stress enough that Tidus unambiguously returns in FFX-2. However, you only witness this scene by meeting several requirements:

  • Finish the main story
  • Get the good or perfect ending (more details below)
  • Keep tapping X during the credits until an extra scene plays

Seeing forum debates question whether the scene "counts" as his return frustrates me to no end. Tidus clearly swims up from the ocean – he‘s back! It‘s that simple, straight from the game itself.

II. Exact Requirements for Return Scenes

As a hardcore completionist, I‘ve played through FFX-2 too many times to count and encountered Tidus‘ return scene several times. Here are the exact prerequisites:

To witness Tidus‘ return:

  • 100% complete FFX-2
  • Choose to fight and defeat Shuyin as final boss
  • Answer ‘Yes‘ when asked if you want to see Tidus again

This unlocks the "perfect ending" scene after the credits show Yuna whistling for Tidus, followed by his iconic laugh and the ocean bubbles indicating his return.

To fight Tidus:

  • Complete Bonus Dungeons
  • Defeat Trema in ​the Farplane Cup
  • Tidus appears as a challenger
  • Beat him to recruit him for battles

So not only does Tidus return story-wise, but becomes unlockable in battle! Suck it haters who say it doesn‘t count!

III. Theories on How/Why Tidus Returns

Now that we‘ve firmly reestablished that yes, Tidus comes back in FFX-2, the next question is how exactly he returns after fading away in FFX.

The game remains vague on the exact details, but based on the scenes and dialogue, the Fayth seem to be responsible for summoning Tidus back once again.

Some fans speculate that because Yuna still held strong feelings and hopes for Tidus‘ return, the Fayth honored her wish and found a way to revive him – demonstrating how powerful the connections between summoners and their aeons truly are!

Regardless of the mechanism, as a fan I‘m just ecstatic the writers found a way to bring him back and give Tidus and Yuna another chance. They never got enough time together after bringing the Eternal Calm in FFX. They deserved some happiness!

IV. Tidus and Yuna Reunion – Theories on What‘s Next

The last we see after Tidus returns is him swimming up in the ocean near Besaid Island. But what happens next?

As someone who has followed Tidus and Yuna‘s journey closely across both games, I think the scene strongly implies that he finds Yuna on Besaid and they finally get the reunion they‘ve yearned for across two adventures.

I like to imagine they have an intensely emotional moment together on the beach, followed by Tidus reassuring a tearful, overjoyed Yuna that they‘ll never be separated again. Then the screen fades to black as they kiss passionately with the waves behind them!

Sure, it‘s mostly cheesy fan fiction on my part, but can you blame me? After so many trials it‘s the payoff Tidus/Yuna fans dreamed of! The writers clearly imply this is the start of their happy ending, even if we don‘t see it explicitly.

Someday I hope we get an FFX-3 to shed more light! A man can dream…

V. Analysis of FFX-2 Endings

To fully grasp the requirements around witnessing Tidus‘ return scene, we should analyze the endings available in FFX-2. Here is a breakdown:

Bad ending – FAILURE. Lose your battle against Shuyin or allow Vegnagun to fire. This strands Tidus in the limbo he was trapped in since FFX‘s ending and will emotionally devastate fans.

Normal ending – COMPLETE. Finish the game with less than 100% completion. No additional scenes or story payoffs. Tidus does not return from what we see. A let down!

Good ending – PERFECT (pre-International edition) Get 100% game completion. Extra scene shows Yuna whistling out to sea for Tidus, symbolizing her hopes and dreams that he will return to her one day. Hints he comes back but does not explicitly show it.

Perfect ending – ETERNITY (International+HD version) The full, extended ending required for the epilogue scene confirming Tidus is in fact back. Play this or you WON‘T get the full payoff for their relationship!

See the varying ending requirements in this handy chart:

table {
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td, th {
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Ending TypeGame CompletionFinal Boss Beaten?Tidus Returns?
Bad EndingAnyNoNo
Normal Ending<100%YesUnclear
Good Ending100%YesHints At It
Perfect Ending100%+ InternationalYesYes!

Okay, still with me? To recap: ONLY with 100% International edition completion, the final boss defeated, and continuing through the credits do you unambiguously see Tidus return.

Miss any component and you miss the complete story payoff. Make sense? Excellent!

VI. Percentage of Players Seeing True End

Given the specific requirements around triggering the scenes of Tidus returning, what percentage of FFX-2 players actually witness the complete ending?

Based on trophy data aggregated by sites like, we can estimate that only between 10-15% of FFX-2 players achieve 100% completion to see the full ending.

That means 85-90% of players miss the proper emotional finale for Tidus and Yuna‘s story! No wonder there is so much confusion whether he returns. Most fans simply didn‘t unlock the full ending revealing he comes back!

As someone who has seen the true ending many times, I really encourage ALL fans to eventually go back and meet the requirements to witness it themselves. Don‘t miss out!

VII. What Happens Next? Our Theories!

I already shared my fantasy imaginings for what happens immediately after Tidus returns to Yuna above. But what about their lives beyond that?

Well, FFX-2 leaves their fate wide open after the final scene. As big supporters of Yuna/Tidus‘ bond, many fans including myself like to think they settle down together. Perhaps starting a family at last in Besaid now that Yevon no longer forbids relationships for summoners.

Others wonder if Yuna continues sphere hunting with Paine and Rikku, or if Tidus embarks on more blitzball adventures. Do they help lead Spira‘s new government?

It‘s open-ended, allowing fans to come up with their own theories! Personally, after Yuna‘s speeches of wanting to live life according to her desires, I see her retiring from sphere hunting to relax happily with Tidus. Though no doubt with Rikku occasionally popping in unannounced!

I hope you now better understand the questions around Tidus‘ return in FFX-2! Let me know your own theories on what happens next! Just remember the most critical detail: Tidus 100% comes back if you meet the requirements. No more questioning that fact!

What do you think? Does this in-depth guide help explain things? Let me know if you have any other lingering questions!

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