Does Tilda betray Aloy? Yes, she does.

As a long-time Horizon fan, I was shocked when Tilda van der Meer ultimately revealed her true motives in Horizon Forbidden West, cruelly betraying Aloy as well as former Zenith allies alike. While not completely irredeemable, Tilda‘s selfish obsession causes her to backstab nearly everyone close to her. Let‘s analyze her fascinating yet tragic arc in detail.

Tilda‘s History and Personality

Brilliant but arrogant, Tilda helped develop GAIA centuries ago and viewed elisabet Sobeck as an intellectual equal. While the other Zeniths fled Earth primarily for self-preservation, Tilda seemed genuinely invested in rebuilding the planet, even if partly for the intellectual challenge.

After spending 300+ years in space, Tilda returned to Earth fairly altruistic at first, rescuing Aloy from Regalla and assisting against the Zenith threat. However, problems clearly festered under the surface…

An Obsession is Born

Upon discovering Sobeck‘s death, Tilda became fixated on having Aloy fill the void Elisabet left behind. Though seemingly caring toward Aloy, Tilda‘s warmth stemmed from a vision of twisting Aloy into a substitute, not genuine affection for who Aloy actually was.

This obsession only grew once Beta, an alternate Sobeck clone, entered the picture. Tilda now saw a potential pilot for her Odyssey dreams. Her ambitions shifted from rebuilding Earth to selfish space exploration.

The Build Up to Betrayal

While manipulating everyone masterfully, Tilda drops hints at her coming betrayal, such as when discussing contingency plans:

"One has to prepare for even friendly allies to flip."

Here she likely refers to turning against her former Zenith partners. The signs are present but extremely subtle up front.

Another early indicator – when Kotallo confronts Tilda about hiding things, she reacts with aggression:

"How I resent having to explain myself to amitie like you!"

She sees non-Zeniths as inferior, deriding even her allies with offensive slurs. This early attitude shift contrasts against her initial warm persona.

Foreshadowing the Backstab

Once learning Aloy can self-destruct GAIA, Tilda reveals her hand, demanding control:

"You must do exactly as I say from this moment forward…I, and I alone, will be her guide now."

She discusses wiping GAIA‘s coding as if wiping a person‘s memories against their will. Her language suggests a disturbing attempt to mold Aloy and Beta into what she wants.

Even still, while manipulative signs appear, Tilda disguises her intentions just enough to avoid Sparking immediate confrontation.

The Shocking Betrayal

After the liberation of the Base, Tilda murders her cohort Gerard in cold blood, signaling she will sacrifice anyone for her goals. When Beta resists having her memories erased, Tilda loses any remaining veneer of patience or empathy:

"How could you be so cruel? So Goddamn selfish?!"

Accusing Beta‘s self-assertion as selfishness reveals Tilda‘s monumental egotism and hypocrisy. She expects the world to bend to her whims, caring nothing about consent or autonomy. Only by the end does her true sociopathic core show itself.

The Ultimate Backstab

For loyal fans, Tilda‘s betrayal cut deep. She heartlessly attacks Alva, leaving her to bleed out while making empty excuses. When Aloy pleads for Tilda to come back, she rounds a deaf ear. Obsession has corrupted Tilda beyond return.

In a final act of deception, Tilda uses Specter Prime to overtake GAIA by force and imprison Aloy. After all they endured, she tosses it away without hesitation. Her relationship with Aloy never embodied genuine care, only a means to an end.

Could Tilda Come Back?

Though Aloy seemingly kills Tilda in Forbidden West‘s climax, some speculate she could come back in a future game. Perhaps revealing more complex motivations behind her cruelty could make redemption possible.

However, considering the lives sacrificed for her goals, reconciliation seems tremendously difficult. With themes revolving around obsession and consent, her arc leaves a profound impression on players either way.

Who Assists Aloy Against the Zenith Threat?

Though betrayed by Tilda, Aloy receives support from a diverse cast of allies in the confrontation with the Zeniths, including:

Aluki – A fierce Banuk warrior seeking glory against the machine army. Joins Aloy after remembering her past heroics.
Petra Forgewoman – Skilled tinkerer who aids Aloy repeatedly. Offers machines converted against the Zeniths.
Erend Vanguardsman – Captain of the Vanguard army in Chainscrape. Fights loyally by Aloy‘s side out of unrequited love.
Various Tribes – Diverse factions like the Tenakth, Utaru, and Quen all support Aloy on learning she can defeat the blight.

Along with past allies like Varl, Zo, Alva, and Kotallo, Aloy builds a considerable rebel army – one apparently strong enough without Tilda‘s fickle assistance.

What‘s Next for Horizon?

Developer Guerrilla Games confirms plans for Horizon to be a trilogy across 3 games.

Given the 5 years between Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, we can likely expect Horizon 3 to release around 2027, completing Aloy‘s saga.

Potential topics to cover include: resolving the Nemesis threat, Beta‘s ongoing growth without Tilda‘s influence, Aloy rebuilding GAIA, and the tribe‘s new era without Zenith oppression.

I eagerly await further news and updates as 2027 draws closer! After these masterful first two entries, I‘m confident Guerrilla will deliver an emotionally impactful finale befitting Aloy‘s epic journey.

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