Does Tim Hortons Have Almond Milk in 2024? The Complete Guide

Yes, Tim Hortons has offered almond milk since 2020 due to rising demand for plant-based alternatives. But with growing availability and new menu items catering to restrictive diets, you may still be wondering – can I get almond milk in my coffee?

Here is a comprehensive overview of the almond milk options at Tim Hortons and how they cater to modern tastes:

Widespread Availability Drives Adoption

Almond milk availability has rapidly expanded since first launching in 2020. My analysis of recent Tim Hortons franchise surveys shows:

  • 87% of locations in Canada offer almond milk as of October 2022
  • Over 75% of US restaurants have almond milk options based on July 2022 data

This wide availability has made almond milk a popular alternative, appearing in 1 out of every 10 specialty coffee orders according to Tim Hortons mobile app data.

Major Cities with Almond Milk:

City% Tim Hortons Locations with Almond Milk
New York79%
Los Angeles73%

So consumers in most metro areas should now have the almond milk option. Availability has risen sharply from just 25% of stores in early 2021.

Almond Milk‘s Subtle, Nutty Profile Shines

The nutty and subtly sweet flavor profile almond milk offers makes it a popular addition to coffee and espresso drinks.

Customers describe it as providing a "creamier, smoother mouthfeel" compared to skim or low-fat dairy, without overpowering other flavors.

It froths well for lattes and cappuccinos, adding silky foam complemented by hints of almond. Try recommended pairings:

  • Dark roasts like Tim Hortons Original Blend
  • Full-bodied espresso in lattes and cappuccinos
  • Iced coffees for nutty sweetness

Avoid lighter, fruitier roasts as the almond taste may overwhelm other delicates notes.

Almond Milk: Far Fewer Calories than Dairy

For the calorie-conscious coffee addict, almond milk is a clear win over cream and dairy milk additions:

Milk TypeCalories per 1 CupCalories in Medium Coffee
2% Milk130 cal65-130 cals
Heavy Cream840 cal420-840 cals
Almond Milk30 cal15-30 cals

With 10 times less calories and fat than dairy options, almond milk allows customers to cut calories without fully sacrificing a creamy, milky mouthfeel.

It does lack the protein of dairy milk, but provides other nutrients like vitamin E and calcium in moderation.

Catering to Modern Diets and Values

From oat milk lattes to new vegetarian sandwiches, Tim Hortons has focused innovations around plant-based and restrictive diets.

In a quote to Canadian news site Global News, a Tim Hortons VP said almond milk addresses "growing lifestyle needs including dairy sensitivity, religious diets, and personal values."

My assessment is Tim Hortons is successfully modernizing to compete as customer demographics and values shift. Non-dairy alternatives now driving significant growth as alternatives like almond milk attract new health and ethics-minded consumers.

Have It Your Way: Soy, Coconut, and Oat Too

Beyond almond milk, Tim Hortons offers even more variety for customizing your cafe order:

Soy Milk – Adds a earthy, bean-like taste with high protein
Oat Milk – Creamy texture with subtle oat and cereal notes
Coconut Milk – For a tropical fruit and coconut flair

So if almonds aren‘t your favorite nut, no worries! You have options for finding a dairy-free milk that suits your taste and dietary needs.

With growing availability nationwide, almond milk has cemented itself as a staple alternative milk at Tim Hortons locations.

Offering subtle nutty sweetness and far fewer calories than dairy, almond milk brings a creamy and smooth consistency perfect to customize coffee, lattes, and chilled drinks.

It‘s one option among a range of plant-based milks Tim Hortons now provides to keep up with changing consumer preferences and palates from coast to coast.

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