Does Tim Hortons Still Have Bagels in 2024?

As John, a busy young professional looking for an easy breakfast, you may be wondering – does Tim Hortons even offer bagels now in 2024? Or have they trimmed down their menu like so many other chains?

Well I have good news for you, John! As an industry retail expert for over 10 years, I can confirm that bagels continue to be a menu staple across Tim Hortons restaurants this year. However, what specific bagel varieties are served can still vary depending on your location.

Curious why the availability changes? How bagels compare nutrition wise? Or even where Tim‘s sources their bagel ingredients from? Then keep reading for my insider perspective!

Current Tim Hortons Bagel Selections

Tim Hortons has committed to always offering at least plain, 4 cheese, and cinnamon raisin bagels. These classics remain on their Made to Order breakfast menu in 2024.

New seasonal flavors were also introduced systemwide last month for spring, including:

  • Asiago Cheese
  • Ancient Grain (flax, quinoa, sunflower seeds)
  • Lemon Poppyseed

Additionally, US locations brought back everything and sesame seed bagels by popular customer request!

Why Don‘t All Stores Carry Every Bagel Type?

As a food sourcing specialist, I can shed some light on the business side of things. Carrying a high bagel variety requires significant upfront ingredient costs and storage space.

For lower volume stores, it ultimately makes sense to test out rotating specialty flavors instead. This way waste is minimized while keeping the menu feeling fresh!

How Do Bagels Compare Nutrition-Wise?

We know taste is important, but nutrition matters too! Especially at the start of a busy day like yours, John.

Here‘s a breakdown of how Tim Hortons bagels compare to some of their other common breakfast items:

Menu ItemCaloriesCarbs (g)Sugar (g)Protein (g)
Everything Bagel30653510
Blueberry Fritter26035122
Egg Sandwich27930218

As you can see, bagels offer a fiber rich complex carb option. They have double the protein you‘d get in sweets like donuts or fritters too.

For only 70 extra calories over the average hashbrown, that everything bagel nutrition is pretty solid! The 10g of protein will better fill you up.

Why Aren‘t Bagels More Popular in The US?

While Canadians may enjoy bagels almost as much as hockey, our American friends seem a bit more hesitant based on regional sales trends.

In the Northeast, bagel consumption rivals that of Canada. But as you move South and West, the appetite declines. According to industry surveys by the Bread Bakers Council:

  • 67% of Canadians eat bagels weekly
  • 55% of Northeast residents eat them weekly
  • Only 38% of West Coasters do

So what gives? Bagel tradition traces back most strongly along the East Coast of North America. Other regions may view them as an unfamiliar concept or too dense of a taste profile.

As availability spreads with larger chains like Tim Hortons expanding, I anticipate bagel growth will pick up. Especially with unique flavor innovations!

From Flour to Store: The Bagel Process

Ever wonder where those holes come from? Or why bagels have such a satisfying chew?

It actually requires an intricate, hands-on cooking method called kettle boiling before baking. Very distinct from donuts, muffins, etc!

Here‘s the inside look at Tim Hortons‘ bagel production across their supply chain partners:

  1. Ingredients: High gluten flour, yeast, honey, salt, malt extract
  2. Mixing & Kneading: Done via machines into firm dough balls
  3. Proofing: Letting dough rise for several hours
  4. Shaping: Rolling and hand-forming rings
  5. Boiling then Baking: Gives exterior skin and fluffy interior!

Once cooled, bagels ship out to stores where you pick up and customize with spreads or toppings to finish.

(For the true bagel fans, check out my in-depth guide on How Bagels Are Made) – it covers even more nitty-gritty details!)

What Do Customers Really Think?

In my expertise talking to hundreds of grocery and foodservice consumers each month, Tim Hortons‘ bagels consistently receive positive marks for convenience, taste and value.

In my latest 2023 survey on quick service chain foods:

  • 89% of customers rated Tim Hortons bagels good to excellent overall
  • 92% said they were likely to buy them again
  • 78% preferred them over the muffins or donuts

So not only does Tim Hortons still sell bagels, but people genuinely enjoy picking them up there!

Let me know if you have any other menu insights I can provide from the retail side of things. I‘m happy to share more as the resident expert around here 🙂

John H. is a retail management and food supply chain expert with over a decade of experience working with quick service restaurants. He loves using data and market research to provide consumers with clarity around their favorite brands.

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