Does Tommy Shelby Get a Happy Ending in Peaky Blinders?

No – the turbulent anti-hero does not achieve redemption or peace. Despite Tommy showing moments of hope he could change, his inner demons refuse to release their grip, driving him down an increasingly self-destructive path by Peaky Blinders‘ end.

What Final Fate Awaits Tommy Shelby?

In the build up to the final ever episodes of Peaky Blinders airing soon, speculation has mounted over whether Tommy can overcome his past and finally find some form of salvation.

My own view is clear – I simply can‘t see creator Steven Knight delivering a happy ending for Tommy Shelby. Knight himself said the final season will see a ‘different‘ Tommy who begins to redeem himself, before confirming his life won‘t get easier.

As a passionate Peaky Blinders fan, I‘ve analyzed how Tommy‘s destructive tendencies have intensified across the 5 existing seasons. His anguish over late first wife Grace and the loss she represents torments him deeper each passing year. And the worse the trauma, the more extreme Tommy‘s actions become trying to suppress it – whether through violence, substance abuse or emotional isolation.

This self-perpetuating doom loop within Tommy makes me believe he‘ll fall short of redemption when we rejoin his story. The spark of hope for change will likely be extinguished by his all-consuming inner turmoil.

Tommy Shelby's Doom Loop

Can Tommy Shelby Find Love Again?

With Grace still haunting his dreams years after her death, many Peaky Blinders fans have wondered – can Tommy ever move on and find lasting love with another woman?

My firm prediction is no – Tommy won‘t achieve romantic happiness again.

We saw his second wife Lizzie walk out on him in Season 5 after learning of his affair with Diana Mitford. Whilst Tommy cares for Lizzie, she could never fully replace Grace in his heart.

Looking deeper, Tommy‘s post-war trauma and refusal to process Grace‘s death chains him to the past. He‘s trapped chasing her phantom, unable to risk opening himself to new love and repeating the pain of loss.

This cycle of grief also fuels his declining mental state across later seasons. And with Tommy prone to self-sabotage in relationships, the pattern of his wives leaving sadly seems destined to repeat if the show continued.

In short – the Tommy who vowed to only love Grace is his own worst enemy to finding a revived chance at love.

WifeHow the Relationship Ended
Grace BurgessShot dead at the hands of Section D
Lizzie StarkLeaves Tommy after his affair & failed redemption

Who Does Tommy Shelby End Up With?

Given the tumultuous history above, where does that leave Tommy‘s final relationship status in what could be his last outing in Peaky Blinders?

My strong suspicion is he‘ll end the series alone – abandoned by family, focussed only on business, haunted by Grace‘s memory.

The man we left at the end of Season 5 has succeeded in pushing everyone close to him away through mistrust, betrayal and an inability to change.

  • Wife Lizzie – she departs after Tommy‘s infidelity
  • Sister Ada – she rages at Tommy endangering his young son
  • Brother Arthur – their bond depends on if Tommy can prove he‘s changed

This leaves Tommy isolated, without friend or partner. And whilst some speculated the mysterious new character Gina could spark a surprise new romance, I simply don‘t foresee it with the ghosts that surround Tommy.

His closing scene may well be an exiled Tommy, alone at his huge estate, drunk and gazing upon Grace‘s picture ruing the life they once shared and could‘ve had.

Can Tommy Shelby Achieve Redemption & Peace?

Peaky Blinders‘ creator has repeatedly hinted that redemption could finally await Tommy Shelby heading into the 6th and final run. After so much violence and personal trauma, could Shelby belatedly find some form of salvation?

In my heart, of course I long to see it…but my head says no – Tommy won‘t be forgiven or find peace.

The problem remains his toxic behaviors continuing in that downward spiral. Until Tommy can consistently demonstrate change to family members over time, their trust in him granting redemption is tenuous.

We leave Tommy at his absolute lowest ebb – world weary, erratic and weary of life. He has pushed everyone away whilst also making more dangerous enemies than ever before.

For there to now be a total shift towards redemption requires Tommy stabilizing his mental state and quelling his self-destructive instincts for sustained periods.

With filming underway on the final season, I sadly see the odds firmly stacked against Tommy overcoming his demons to find forgiveness. Peace of mind will likely elude Shelby to the grave after decades scarred by trauma.

There is always a chance Knight surprises us with a late ray of light for Tommy, but expect an emotional ride for Peaky Blinders fans this year as we say goodbye…

So in summary – do I foresee Tommy Shelby getting the happy ending so many long for? Guttingly, no. Our conflicted anti-hero remains on course to fall painfully short of salvation across this final fray with fate.

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