Yes, Toriyama Still Designs Dragon Quest

As a gamer who has eagerly followed the Dragon Quest series since the first epic installment on the NES, I can definitively say that famed artist Akira Toriyama remains closely involved with the franchise even today. He continues to shape the look and feel of new Dragon Quest games with his vibrant, distinctive character and monster designs.

Charting Toriyama‘s Enduring Dragon Quest Journey

Toriyama has been the chief designer for Dragon Quest ever since publisher Enix launched the pioneering JRPG in 1986. His creative vision was instrumental in making the series a national phenomenon in Japan and international gaming icon.

Here‘s a quick look at some of the major Dragon Quest games featuring Toriyama‘s artwork over the years:

Dragon Quest (1986)Main character, slime and dragonlord designs
Dragon Quest III (1988)Character outfits for vocation system
Dragon Quest VIII (2004)Protagonist, monsters and world maps
Dragon Quest IX (2009)Character customization outfits
Dragon Quest XI (2017)Key characters, monsters and promotional art

As a content creator myself, I‘ve admired how Toriyama shaped the series‘ personality through his playful monster illustrations and recognizable human character art. Generations of gamers have grown up with his vibrant aesthetic that feels inviting rather than intimidating.

The Living Embodiment of Dragon Quest

Toriyama‘s creations don‘t just populate the Dragon Quest games – in many ways, they are Dragon Quest. His artistic sensibilities come through in everything from the game logos to merchandising.

Over 155 million Dragon Quest games have been sold to date. As the architect behind the series‘ look and feel for over three and a half decades, Toriyama is inextricably tied to its identity as Japan‘s most beloved RPG franchise.

In my opinion, his continued involvement is absolutely essential for maintaining continuity and meeting fan expectations. With Toriyama on board, players can rest assured each new game will capture the intangible Dragon Quest magic they‘ve come to cherish.

For instance, Let‘s look at Dragon Quest‘s latest smash hit installment that cemented its reputation overseas…

Toriyama‘s Vital Contributions to Dragon Quest XI

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (2017) on PS4 and Nintendo Switch boasted Toriyama‘s signature flair through and through. As the main character designer, he developed the visuals for the protagonist as well as key party members like Emma and Veronica.

These instantly recognizable heroes – together with Toriyama-crafted foes like the wicked King Carnelian – brought the world of Erdrea vibrantly to life. Gamers could practically see the pencil strokes come through in the expansive 3D environment and cinematics.

Dragon Quest XI became the best-selling entry ever, moving over 6 million copies globally. This demonstrates how Toriyama‘s involvement continues to drive anticipation and interest after all these years even among newer international fans.

Without his vision guiding the aesthetic, it simply wouldn‘t feel like a true Dragon Quest adventure to me. That‘s why I‘m thrilled Akira Toriyama remains committed to crafting the look and feel of the franchise he helped build from the ground up.

The Future Still Burns Brightly Thanks to Toriyama

With the recent announcements of Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate and Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake in active development, the series shows no signs of slowing down. Toriyama remains fully on board for both upcoming titles after his excellent work on Dragon Quest XI.

As a lifelong gamer, I can‘t wait to dive into these exciting new quests filled with Toriyama‘s signature charm and creativity. Dragon Quest‘s past, present and future remain in excellent hands with the continued participation of this brilliant, one-of-a-kind artist.

Who knows – with his enduring passion for the franchise he birthed, I wouldn‘t be surprised if Akira Toriyama keeps contributing his special sauce to Dragon Quest games for another 35 years!

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