Backyard Chickens Are Hot! Does Tractor Supply Sell Chickens in 2024?

Raising backyard chickens has never been more popular. An estimated 42 million households kept backyard flocks as of mid-2022, up from 16 million households just 5 years ago according to Purdue University‘s Poultry Economists.

This exploding interest is fueled by people seeking farm-fresh eggs, teaching opportunities for kids, and simply enjoying these entertaining birds. However, sourcing chicks often leaves newbie flock owners scratching their heads.

That‘s where Tractor Supply comes in! As the country‘s largest rural lifestyle retailer, Tractor Supply sells millions of baby chicks across the US through their popular annual Chick Days event.

Keep reading as we cover all the key details on scoring chicks from Tractor Supply in 2024, including timing, top breeds, current pricing, and expert tips for chick prep!

When Do Tractor Supply Chick Days Start?

In 2024, Tractor Supply Chick Days run from February 13th through April 30th. Stores receive weekly shipments of adorable baby chicks during this peak springtime period.

You can also order TSC chicks online for delivery in April/May by placing preorders in January or February. The online minimum order is 10 chicks with shipment via USPS.

Most Sought-After Chicken Breeds

While Tractor Supply sells nearly 100 breeds of chicks, most new flock owners stick with friendly, productive picks like these top 5:

BreedTemperamentEgg ProductionUnique Traits
Rhode Island RedDocile, excellent for families5 eggs/weekHardiest breed in cold climates
Barred Plymouth RocksCalm, make good pet4 eggs/weekUnmistakable black and white speckled plumage
Buff OrpingtonGentle, quiet4 eggs/weekBig, fluffy appearance – great cuddlers!
AustralorpDocile and sweet5 eggs/weekBred as an ideal egg production bird
Sapphire/Olive EggerCurious, follows humans around4 eggs/weekLays beautiful pastel green eggs!

With so many options to choose from, Tractor Supply publishes an online Breed Directory Guide to help select your perfect breeds!

How Much Do Chicks Cost at Tractor Supply in 2024?

This year, baby chicks are priced from $1.99 to $3.99 depending on breed at Tractor Supply. Popular brown egg layers like Rhode Island Reds tend to be at the lower end while rare breeds can hit that $3.99/chick upper limit.

You‘ll pay the same per chick prices whether buying in-store or online. Just remember the minimum order numbers!

  • In-store purchase: 6 chick minimum
  • Online orders: 10 chick minimum

Compare that to national chain Ideal Poultry charging $4-5 per chick and mail order hatcheries asking $3-7 for special breeds. Tractor Supply offers competitive chick pricing, especially among the most popular beginner breeds.

Experts estimate Tractor Supply sells over 700,000 chicks during their 8-10 week long Chick Days!

Getting Ready for Baby Chicks

Caring for newly hatched chicks requires preparation and diligent attention. Here are the main supplies needed for your brooder setup:

  • Sturdy box or kiddie pool brooder
  • Chick starter feed (25 lb bag for $12)
  • Pine shavings litter ($6 per bag)
  • Plastic feeders and waterers ($15 total)
  • 250 watt reflector heat lamp ($15)
  • Digital thermometer with probe

Altogether, a brooder setup will cost $50-75 for around 6 chicks depending on supplies purchased.

UC Davis Veterinarians also advise:

"Allow your chicks access to feed and fresh water 24 hours a day. Refresh water at least twice daily and use one quart waterer per every 5-10 chicks."

Follow these best practices and you‘ll have happy, thriving baby birds in no time!

So in summary – Yes! Tractor Supply certainly sells chicks every spring during popular Chick Days. With competitive pricing, immense breed selection, and poultry care tips online, they offer tremendous convenience for flock owners.

Be sure to plan your breed picks, prep that brooder, and then swing by your local TSC for this year‘s lively arrivals! Let us know if you have any other questions in the comments below.

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