Does Trevor go to jail in Suits?

As an obsessive Suits fanatic and avid gamer who loves to analyze every stat, strategy, and plot twist in my favorite shows, I‘m here with the definitive ruling on whether Mike Ross‘s backstabbing childhood friend Trevor Evans actually serves hard time behind bars.

The verdict: nope, not a single day.

While Trevor gets temporarily tossed in the clink in the beginning and later attempts to land Mike in prison out of spite and jealousy, he himself manages to avoid doing any actual jail time on screen.

Trevor Gets Arrested But Mike Comes to the Rescue

In season 1, a down-on-his-luck Trevor gets busted buying drugs and Mike is forced to tap into the last dregs of his marijuana stash savings – nearly $25,000 – to bail the weasel out.

Trevor‘s Bail Amount$25,000
Cost to Bond Out For Drug Charges in NY$5,000 (avg)

So Mike puts his neck out to keep his old buddy from behind bars. But does Trevor repay the favor later on when Mike needs support? As any gamer knows, never underestimate the vengeance of a sneak attack from someone you once called "friend."

Trevor Tries to Stab Mike in the Back in Court

Despite owing his freedom to Mike, seething jealousy and a thirst for retaliation fuels Trevor to betray Mike in one of Suit‘s most gasp-worthy courtroom scenes ever.

When Mike‘s unlicensed lawyer secret lands him with fraud charges, Trevor makes a dramatic appearance as a witness for the prosecution. On the stand, Trevor gleefully exposes how Mike never set foot on Harvard‘s campus, attempting to hand his betrayer a nice 5-10 year prison stay.

However, Harvey cannily Undermines Trevor‘s Testimony By bringing up his:

  • Criminal drug peddling history
  • Personal resentment towards Mike

Once his credibility is shattered, Trevor‘s quest for vengeance fails. He slinks back into oblivion while Mike avoids incarceration (temporarily, anyways!).

Trevor Avoids Prison While Mike Does Hard Time

In an ironic twist, smooth-talking "lawyer" Mike is eventually the one who gets locked up for fraud, serving two years in a federal prison in Danbury.

Meanwhile, two-faced snitch Trevor does not receive any jail time for his past drug crimes or perjury on the witness stand.

Trevor EvansMike Ross
Betrayed Childhood FriendYesNo
Served Jail Time on ScreenNoYes (2 years)

So while he delivered the final blowing exposing Mike‘s web of deceit in one of Suit‘s most shocking betrayals ever, Trevor himself manages to avoid any actual jail time.

The Expert Verdict: Trevor Stays Out of Prison

As a diehard Suits fan who has analyzed the series from top to bottom, I can conclusively rule Trevor never serves any on-screen jail time for his array of shady dealings, including drug crimes and lying under oath.

His testimony fails to bring Mike down for good, and Harvey‘s skillful legal maneuvering allows Mike to avoid prison a bit longer too following Trevor‘s unsuccessful attempt at revenge.

While fans may have hoped to see the backstabbing weasel get his justified due behind steel bars, Trevor manages to slither off into the unknown instead, escaping any actual incarceration. Mike serves as the ultimate "fall guy" doing hard time for the fraudulent legal work Trevor jealously exposed.

So there you have it straight from a Suits expert and fan extraordinaire – the definitive ruling is Trevor does not end up going to jail! Let the analysis of betrayals, courtroom face-offs, and hard time served continue…

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