Does V survive being shot by Dex?

As an ardent Cyberpunk 2077 gamer and content creator, I‘ve done deep dives into lore and analyzed every ending pathway. So does V survive the critical shooting by Dex at the end of The Heist? Let‘s dig in.

Initial Shooting and Aftermath

In the game‘s climax, Dex shoots V point blank in the head, angry over the failed heist. But V amazingly survives due to the Relic biochip implanted earlier. The Relic kicks into overdrive, rapidly healing brain matter to revive V.

So despite being shot fatally, V manages to cheat death in the immediate aftermath. But the Relic‘s intrusive repairs come at a cost…

The Relic‘s "Upgrades" Are Rewriting V‘s Brain

To resurrect V, the Relic doesn‘t just heal – it aggressively overwrites neural pathways to make space. Why? Because it contains the engram of Johnny Silverhand and is trying to integrate it fully.

So V survives, but their personality and sense of self is being erased bit-by-bit to house Silverhand‘s construct. This leads to the ticking timebomb of V‘s eventual loss of identity.

V Has 6 Months Left Before the Relic Claims Them

All ending pathways make it clear – the Relic will kill V in 6 months by overwriting their neural identity completely. So while V recovers from Dex‘s attack, it kickstarts a countdown to oblivion.

Some key points around V‘s fate after the shooting:

  • The Relic rewrite cannot be stopped or removed safely once triggered
  • In 6 months, Johnny Silverhand‘s engram will essentially "become" V by overwriting their mind
  • V starts experiencing seizures, blackouts, and identity crisis episodes as time passes

So ultimately – yes, V manages to immediately survive Dex‘s murder attempt with the Relic‘s help. But it crucially damages their brain patterns in the process – leading to dementia-like symptoms and culminating in identity death within 6 months.

Pretty dark turn! But could V‘s fate be averted through certain endings? Let‘s investigate.

Ending Pathways Offer Some Hope

Based on exhaustive research into all endings, I‘ve classified pathways based on V‘s survival odds:

Certain Death Endings

These conclusively result in V‘s mental and physical death:

  • The Sun (Legend of Afterlife): V dies off-screen 6 months later
  • All Along the Watchtower (Secret Crystal Palace Infiltration): V presumably dies soon after

Ambiguous Fates

Outcomes are uncertain, but leaning towards death:

  • New Dawn Fades (Go with Alt): V‘s fate unknown, likely dies
  • Path of Glory (Go with Hanako): Survival unconfirmed

Digital Afterlife Endings

V‘s body dies, but mind preserved digitally:

  • Don‘t Fear The Reaper: V‘s engram placed in Mikoshi network

So some ending branches buy extra time or digitally preserve V. But core physical death seems inevitable after the Relic takeover.

In Conclusion: V‘s Survival Is Limited and Complicated

To summarize – V technically survives Dex‘s murder attempt with the Relic‘s repairs. But the neural overwriting initiated leads to imminent cerebral deterioration and identity loss.

  • While some endings offer marginal extra time before death, V is essentially doomed from the shooting aftermath onwards. No path allows avoiding it.

So in my expert opinion – yes, V manages to cheat immediate death and walk away from Dex‘s gunshot courtesy of parasitic biochip technology. But the shooting sets off an inexorable sequence of mental dissolution leading to their end in both mind and body within months.

As a fan, I hold out hope a DLC sequel could perhaps extend V‘s story! But as things stand, their days are severely numbered from the pivotal shooting event onwards. Let me know your thoughts on this analysis!

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