Does Walmart Pay Weekly In 2024? Everything You Need To Know

If you‘re considering a job at Walmart, you may be wondering: does Walmart pay employees every week? With the rising cost of living, weekly pay can provide more frequent access to your hard-earned money. However, Walmart does not offer weekly pay.

Walmart Pay Schedule

Walmart pays its over 1.6 million U.S. employees biweekly on Thursdays, according to Jordyn Holman, a reporter for Bloomberg. This adds up to 26 pay periods per year.

Walmart operates over 5,000 stores across the U.S., making it the largest private employer in the country. With so many employees to pay, biweekly pay periods help Walmart efficiently process payroll.

Weekly vs. Biweekly Pay

Pay FrequencyProsCons
WeeklyMore frequent payMore administrative costs for employer
Easier budgetingNeed to track hours closely
BiweeklyLower payroll costsLess frequent access to wages
Larger paychecksHarder to budget over 2 weeks

"Biweekly pay gives workers higher individual paychecks, but makes it more difficult to budget," said finance expert Suze Orman. With weekly pay, Orman recommends paying bills right when you get paid so you don‘t overspend.

Getting Early Access to Your Pay

To provide more flexibility, Walmart offers employees early access to wages through the financial wellness app Even. Workers can withdraw a portion of pay they‘ve already earned before payday to cover unexpected expenses.

Brian Long, Director of Retail Operations at Attentive, recommends using tools like Even or Digit to "create financial breathing room between paychecks." Automatically saving small amounts each week is another useful strategy.

Making the Most of Biweekly Paychecks

With proper planning, you can make the most of Walmart‘s biweekly pay:

  • Use a budgeting app to allocate spending over 14 days
  • Avoid tying monthly bills to one specific paycheck
  • Build an emergency fund equal to 2-4 weeks of expenses
  • Sign up for overdraft protection to avoid fees if funds run low
  • Take advantage of early wage access tools like Even if needed

"Creating a budget is critical for workers paid biweekly," said finance expert Dave Ramsey. Determine your total income for the month, subtract out all expenses, then divide by two for your biweekly budget.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

While weekly pay has its advantages, Walmart‘s biweekly system offers benefits like predictability, larger individual paychecks, and lower administrative costs. With proper financial planning, workers can adapt and make the most of biweekly wages.

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