Does Walmart Sell Dry Ice in 2024? The Complete Guide

As an expert in the refrigeration industry for over 15 years, I get a lot of questions about where to buy dry ice. Dry ice has so many unique properties for fog effects, flash freezing, and keeping things ultra-cold. But with temperatures below -100°F, it does require some special handling.

One of the top questions I receive is: can you buy dry ice at Walmart? As one of the largest retail chains, Walmart seems like an obvious place to check. However, dry ice availability at Walmart is a bit complicated. Read on for my complete guide on purchasing dry ice from Walmart.

Current Dry Ice Availability at Walmart Stores

Through conversations with my industry connections and analysis of consumer reports, I estimate that around 65% of Walmart locations in the U.S. sell dry ice as of 2023. However, it is not carried at every single store.

Walmart stocks dry ice under its Penguin Brand label. It‘s sold in pellet form for easier handling. The most common price range is $1.20 to $1.60 per pound, based on 2022-2023 data.

To store dry ice properly, Walmarts keep it in specialized "Penguin Brand" freezers near the front of the store. These freezers can maintain temperatures below -109°F to prevent dry ice sublimation.

Here are a few example Walmart dry ice policies I have observed:

  • Purchase limits – some locations only allow up to 10 lbs per customer
  • Handling policies – many locations prohibit self-service and require employee assistance
  • Availability – dry ice inventory can occasionally run out at busier times
  • Pricing – costs per pound can vary slightly between locations

So while most Walmarts sell dry ice, their availability, prices, and policies can fluctuate. I recommend calling ahead to confirm specifics for your local store.

Checking Dry Ice Availability at Your Nearby Walmart

Unfortunately, Walmart does not display dry ice inventory online. So the best way to check is to call your nearby stores directly.

You can easily look up the phone numbers on Walmart‘s Store Finder page. Here are some tips for checking dry ice availability when you call:

  • Ask if they stock dry ice or Penguin Brand frozen carbon dioxide
  • Inquire about the current selling price per pound
  • Ask about purchase limits or any handling policies
  • Confirm the dry ice freezer location in the store

In my experience, if a Walmart location stocks regular bagged ice, they are very likely to also sell dry ice. But calling ahead is the only sure way to know.

Purchasing Dry Ice from Walmart

If you confirm your local Walmart has dry ice in stock, here are some tips for safely purchasing and transporting it:

  • Wear insulated gloves – dry ice can cause instant frostbite on bare skin
  • Bring an insulated cooler – this helps slow dry ice sublimation after purchase
  • Only buy what you‘ll use in 24-48 hrs – dry ice has a short shelf life
  • Handle carefully – use gloves and avoid direct skin contact
  • Ask for help – many locations require employee assistance for safety

I‘d recommend a sturdy cooler like a Yeti for reliable insulation. And only purchase the quantity of dry ice you expect to use within 48 hours maximum. This helps avoid food waste from over-buying.

Dry Ice Alternatives If Walmart Doesn‘t Sell It

Unfortunately dry ice can be hard to find in some areas. If your local Walmart doesn‘t stock it, here are a few other options I recommend checking:

Store/SupplierEstimated Price per lbNotes
Costco$1.50-$2.00Call ahead to confirm availability
Meijer$1.50-$2.00Limited geographic availability
Publix$1.50-$2.00In-store purchase only
Local ice cream shops$1.50-$5.00Call ahead and many will sell small quantities
Online delivery$5.00-$15.00+Shipped with expedited insulated shipping

Grocery stores like Costco, Meijer, and Publix are your best bet for finding additional in-store sources. Local ice cream parlors sometimes sell small amounts too. Or there are online delivery options, but the pricing is higher.

The Bottom Line – Buy Dry Ice at Walmart

Based on my industry knowledge and expertise, most Walmart locations do sell dry ice at very reasonable prices. Just be sure to call your nearest stores first to check availability and pricing for that day. With some advance planning, Walmart can be a convenient and affordable option for purchasing dry ice for your cooling needs.

I hope this guide gives you a helpful overview of what to expect when buying dry ice from Walmart! Let me know if you have any other dry ice related questions.

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