Does WWE 2K22 have 2 player?

As both a lifelong WWE fan and experienced gamer, one of my most anticipated features in the latest wrestling video game release was the ability to grapple with friends. And I‘m thrilled to report that WWE 2K22 totally delivers on that front with robust local multiplayer support for 2, 3 or even 4 players!

Multiplayer Madness Confirmed

So right off the bat – yes, WWE 2K22 unambiguously allows for 2 player competitive and cooperative gameplay. You can take the virtual fight to your buddies right there in your living room. This local multiplayer functionality works across the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC editions of WWE 2K22.

Bring On the Royal Rumble!

One of my personal favorite multiplayer features is the ability to participate in Royal Rumble matches. As any WWE fan knows, the Royal Rumble‘s 30-man over-the-top-rope battle is pure chaos – perfectly suited for couch competition! Up to 4 players can be actively wrestling at once as you brawl your way toward that coveted Wrestlemania main event.

And Royal Rumbles are just one of many match types supported in local multiplayer:

Royal Rumbles
Steel Cage
Tag Team
Mixed Tag Team

I‘m thrilled by the diversity here. Whether playing solo against a friend or mixing things up with tag bouts, there are tons of configurations to explore.

Couch Multiplayer for up to 4 Players

While many modern wrestling games have sadly moved away from local multiplayer, WWE 2K22 goes all-in with support for up to 4 simultaneous players. That means you can have a full tag team showdown or Royal Rumble insanity without needing to go online.

Simply connect additional controllers and select multiplayer options from the play menus. It‘s quick and seamless to setup. Xbox, PlayStation, and third-party USB controllers are all supported too.

Screen Sharing Options

For 3-4 players, WWE 2K22 also incorporates screen sharing options. In certain matches types, the screen will split to follow key actions occurring in different parts of the arena simultaneously. It keeps the gameplay fast-paced so no one is stuck watching others play.

There‘s nothing more annoying than sitting around waiting for your turn to wrestle, so the screen sharing is a welcome addition in my book!

How WWE 2K22 Compares to Recent Titles

When looking across the last decade of WWE video games, WWE 2K22 stands out for bringing back robust same-screen gameplay. Consider how its local multiplayer compares:

GameMax # of PlayersSplit Screen?
WWE 2K224
WWE 2K204
WWE 2K194

As the data highlights, the last time a WWE game incorporated split screen multiplayer was back in the WWE ‘13 days. By bringing this exciting feature back in WWE 2K22 while supporting up to 4 players, the franchise returned to its multiplayer glory days!

Why Couch Multiplayer Matters

In an era dominated by online gaming, having robust local multiplayer support is no longer a given. And as both a passionate gamer and wrestling fan, I can‘t overstate how important having 2+ player matchups has been for my enjoyment of WWE 2K22.

Immersive Wrestling Experiences

When you‘re competing or cooperating shoulder-to-shoulder with gaming buddies, it takes the action to another level. The trash talk flies as fast as the virtual steel chairs in my living room! Without the latency you sometimes get with online multiplayer, everything feels seamless.

Further enhancing that immersion are the excellent controller rumble effects and haptic feedback features on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S editions. As you body slam opponents through tables, the crashes and explosions vibrate through your hands. It‘s awesome!

Reliving Classic Wrestling Moments

Squaring off in historical dream matches has always been a hallmark of wrestling games for me. And local multiplayer is vital for collaboratively recreating our favorite real-life matches from WWE, WCW and beyond.

Whether it‘s the Hardy Boyz battling Edge & Christian in the first ever tag team ladder match or reliving Hulk Hogan bodyslamming Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3, having a friend alongside makes it exponentially more fun.

Forging New Rivalries

While nostalgia is great, I believe the best part of multiplayer WWE action is developing wholly original rivalries between our own custom characters. My cousin and I have painstakingly crafted wrestler personas over multiple gaming sessions.

And the storylines we‘ve developed through promos in my Universe mode coupled with bitter grudge matches has taken our experience to new heights. Our hyper-competitive 30 minute Iron Man submission-only match last month nearly ruined our family vacation!

The creative freedom multiplayer unlocks in terms of match stipulations, arenas and storytelling is limitless.

Is Online Multiplayer Supported Too?

While I‘ve focused mostly on off-line couch gameplay, I‘d be remiss not to mention that WWE 2K22 also incorporates robust online features. You can take your rivalries global by competing in matches hosted on 2K‘s servers.

Key online multiplayer options include:

  • 1v1 matches against friends or random opponents
  • Tag team bouts
  • 8 player lobbies across various game modes
  • Spectator modes to watch matches in progress
  • Leaderboards and tournaments

However, personally I far prefer local multiplayer due to the richer immersion and social experience it enables. But online is still a great option to have that expands possibilities community-wide.

The Bottom Line

Not only does WWE 2K22 fully support 2 player local multiplayer – it exceeds expectations by allowing up to 4 gamers to face-off simultaneously. Few wrestling video games can claim the diversity of match types or commitment to a quality same-screen experience.

Add in the nostalgia tour of reliving classic WWE moments and the creative freedom to craft entirely new rivalries, and WWE 2K22 demonstrates why couch multiplayer remains king. This game was clearly designed with both wrestling fans and passionate gamers in mind. Download it today and prepare for some riotous matchups with friends!

What wrestling dream matches or stipulations do you hope to recreate? Which eras of WWE history inspire your multiplayer fantasies? Let me know in the comments!

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