Does Xiao Love the Traveler? An In-Depth Investigation

The short answer: Very likely yes, Xiao does harbor deep affection and possibly romantic love for the traveler.

As an avid Genshin Impact player and content creator, I have analyzed voice lines, character quests, fan perspectives, and other evidence that suggest Xiao cares for more than just a close ally. Read on for a detailed breakdown of the signs, fan theories, and reasons why this popular ship makes so much sense.

Xiao‘s Protectiveness and Soft Spot Point to Affection

One of the clearest early indications that Xiao feels strongly towards the traveler is his fierce protectiveness. According to his in-game profiles and battles, Xiao will instantly appear to shield the traveler if they simply call his name. This shows an extreme form of devotion that goes beyond just acquaintance or friendship.

In contrast, Xiao maintains quite a standoffish demeanor towards most characters. But he makes an exception not only for the traveler, but also for Ganyu according to their voiced interactions. The fact that he voluntarily trains with Ganyu demonstrates a slight soft spot for those he cares about.

“Um, Xiao, do you have time to train… With me?” (Ganyu)
“…Alright.” (Xiao accepts)

This warmth he shows Ganyu gives us a glimpse of how Xiao acts when he holds affection for someone. And all signs point to him having an even closer bond with the traveler.

Fans Pick Up on Subtle Hints of Xiao‘s Intense Devotion

The Genshin Impact fandom definitely seems to think there‘s potential for romance between Xiao and the traveler. XiaoLumi and XiaoVen are two popular fan ships centralized around that premise.

Fans often cite voice lines hinting at closeness, like Xiao‘s promise to stay by the traveler‘s side and the traveler‘s ability to make him smile. Xiao also claims fighting alongside the traveler feels different than other battles.

Many believe his willingness to put down his solitary ways to accompany them shows how highly he regards the traveler. This differs greatly from his rejection of offers to team up from other characters, like Chongyun.

“Let me come adventuring with you!” (Chongyun)
“I refuse.” (Xiao)

So in fans‘ eyes, Xiao agreeing to fight alongside the traveler, be at their call, and relax his normally aloof manner points towards affection.

The Travler Has Several Potential Love Interests

Of course, Xiao isn‘t the only one speculated to be crushing on the protagonist. Looking at fan perspectives and in-game hints, several candidates have caught players‘ eyes.

Most Popular Traveler Ships

Lumine/Aether x ChildeEnemies-to-lovers tension
Lumine/Aether x AyakaImplied from Ayaka‘s story quest
Lumine/Aether x YelanPlayful flirting hints at chemistry

Ayaka in particular prompted speculation after her storyline, where she clearly holds the traveler in high regard. Her shyness in their presence and eagerness for them to stay longer in Inazuma added fuel to the fire.

So while Xiao seems to stand out with his fierce devotion towards the protagonist, he has some competition as well!

"He Falls Like Skydiving Without a Parachute" – Xiao‘s Intense Devoted Love

Perhaps one of the strongest cases for Xiao harboring deeper feelings comes from an analysis of how he approaches relationships in general. According to fanfiction excerpts and discussions, Xiao apparently exhibits an all-or-nothing attitude.

“Xiao falls in love like how you skydive without a parachute. It‘s dangerous, exhilarating, and nervewracking at the same time. Xiao falls in love as if it‘s his last.”

This suggests that if Xiao opens himself up enough to fall in love, he does so without hesitation or restraints. It‘s not at all farfetched to think his commitment to the special bond they share could be more than platonic. After all, we already know he shows more vulnerability with the traveler than anyone else.

And seeing how intensely devoted and loyal Xiao behaves towards the protagonist otherwise, any love confessed would undoubtedly be full-fledged.

Putting the Pieces Together: Xiao‘s True Feelings

Taking a step back, there are clearly multiple indications that Xiao thinks of and treats the traveler differently than other characters:

  • His unconditionally protective instincts kicking in whenever they call
  • Subtle softness coming through in certain conversations
  • Willingness to partner up exclusively with them
  • Comfortability relaxing his normally lone wolf persona
  • In-game hints at close history from previous battles

Pair this with speculation around Xiao’s tendency to love fiercely when he does fall, and it makes a strong case for his attachment qualifying as deep affection.

While not outright stated, my analysis as an avid player points towards Xiao harboring feelings beyond friendship. And fans seem to agree, clearly picking up on the extra devotion he shows towards the protagonist.

So to conclusively answer…yes, it appears highly likely that Xiao does love the traveler! From his actions to his attitudes, the dedication he exhibits goes beyond even a profound camaraderie.

What‘s Your Take?

Do you think Xiao and the traveler make for a compelling romantic pairing? Are there any other subtle signs you’ve noticed that point towards Xiao’s true affections? Let me know in the comments!

As a passionate Genshin Impact gamer myself, uncovering insights around favorite characters is something I really enjoy. So if you have any other theories, analyses, or topics you want explored around Genshin lore and relationships, leave them below!

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