The Ins and Outs of Getting Hired at Dollar General in 2022

With over 18,000 stores and 160,000 employees, Dollar General dominates the discount retail landscape. And with plans to open over 1,000 additional locations this year, job opportunities abound. But navigating the Dollar General hiring process takes insider knowledge. This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know to land your next retail or management gig.

Why Work for Dollar General?

Before jumping in, let‘s review why you might want to work for Dollar General and what you can expect:

Competitive Pay and Benefits
Retail associates start around $11 per hour, with raises up to $14 per hour possible within the first year. Store managers earn $50k-$75k annually. All employees enjoy perks like 401(k) matching, medical/dental insurance, and paid time off.

Advancement Opportunities
With rapid expansion underway, Dollar General promotes heavily from within for managers and district leader roles. Over 75% of store managers started as retail associates.

Stable and Recession-Resistant
As an "essentials" retailer, Dollar General fared exceptionally well through COVID and past recessions. This stability attracts candidates looking for solid employment even during economic downturns.

Now, let‘s break down exactly how to turn your interest into an offer letter from Dollar General.

Overview: 3-Step Hiring Process

Securing a job at Dollar General requires advancing through a 3-part gauntlet:

  1. Online Application: Getting past the initial screening
  2. Online Assessment: Proving basic abilities through testing
  3. In-Person Interview: Demonstrating people/management skills

The process takes 2-4 weeks from start to offer letter. Competition averages around 25 candidates per opening. Let‘s explore each step.

Step 1: The Make-or-Break Application

The Dollar General application process begins online through their careers portal. With just a 25% chance of advancing past this first filter, your application must stand out.

Choose Openings Carefully

With over 50,000 hires annually, openings exist across all 18,000+ Dollar General locations. Search for openings by state and city rather than just applying broadly to a given role. Targeting nearby stores boosts your chances.

Highlight Relevant Experience

The application asks for your education and experience background. Retail veterans should showcase cash handling skills, ability to handle fast-paced environments, and experience interacting with customers. Play up any prior management experience if pursuing higher-level roles.

Verify Information Twice

Entering incorrect or inconsistent info can automatically trigger rejection. Before submitting, double and triple check you have the precise dates, locations, supervisors, and responsibilities for past gigs. Just one small error could ruin your chances.

If everything looks good, submit your application and cross your fingers! You should hear back with a screening decision within 5-7 business days. About 1 in 4 make it to step two.

Step 2: Passing the Infamous Assessment

If your application wins approval, next comes Dollar General‘s online assessment. Consisting of 111 questions over 20 minutes, this notorious screening eliminates around half of remaining candidates.

Inside Tips for Acing the Assessment

Here is everything you need to know to survive Dollar General‘s qualifying exam:

  • You Cannot Pause or Return Once Started
    The 20-minute timer runs continuously, so make sure you have total focus without interruptions before beginning.
  • It Covers 8 Key Areas
    Questions test your skills across cooperation, patience, problem-solving, multitasking, and other core competencies.
  • Go With Your Gut
    Overthinking causes more errors than anything else. Stick with your first instinct if unsure between two choices.
  • Manage Your Time
    With under 10 seconds per question, you cannot second-guess yourself or fall behind pace.

Follow this advice and you should have no issues passing this notorious screening process. Roughly 50% of test takers succeed in moving on. You‘ll get immediate online notification of passing or failing, often within 1 hour.

Step 3: Nail the Interview

If you cleared both previous obstacles, congrats! You‘ve made it to the final deciding factor – the in-person job interview. Interview invitations typically arrive within 3-5 days of completing the online assessment.

Common Interview Questions

Though interviews focus mainly on assessing personality fit and management potential, you may field some common questions like:

  • Why do you want to work at Dollar General?
  • How would you handle an upset customer?
  • What experience do you have with cash handling procedures?
  • What do you know about our company values?

For managers, also prepare for situational questions about resolving conflicts, driving sales growth, etc.

Stand Out with Specific Examples

Avoid vague claims about being a "good team player" or "hard worker." Use tangible examples. For instance, if citing strong customer skills, prepare a story about receiving a positive customer review letter at your last job.

Ask Good Questions

Interviewers notice when candidates ask thoughtful questions about training programs, future growth opportunities, company culture, etc. Jot down 2-3 strong questions that show genuine long-term interest.

Following a 30 minute conversation, they will decide on the spot or within 24 hours.

Everything Else You Need to Know

If you receive and accept an offer letter, just a few final things to keep in Mind:

The Drug Test
Despite urban legends, Dollar General only tests candidates accepting manager and corporate roles. Retail associates do not undergo screening.

Background Checks Take Forever
Finalizing background checks and paperwork can delay start dates 4-8+ weeks after the initial offer. Be patient.

Ask About Pay Upfront
Before accepting any offer, get clear confirmation from the hiring manager about your hourly wage or salary. Don‘t leave money on the table.

You‘re Hired!

While competitive, Dollar General‘s hiring process has predictable steps. Armed with the insider tips above, you now have everything necessary to submit a standout application, pass the screening, and demonstrate in interviews why no one deserves this job more than you. Good luck!

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