Doordash Stole My Food – What To Do In 2024

According to a 2019 survey, approximately 28% of food delivery drivers admit to sampling customers‘ food. While most drivers are honest, food theft does happen, and it can be incredibly aggravating when you‘re the victim. If you suspect your Doordash driver stole your food order, here is comprehensive advice on exactly what to do.

How Common is Stolen Food from Delivery Drivers?

While most delivery drivers are trustworthy, theft does occur in a small percentage of orders across all food delivery apps.

  • Approximately 1% of Postmates customer complaints are related to food tampering or theft. [1]
  • In a survey, nearly 28% of delivery drivers admitted to stealing food from orders. [2]

Here is a comparison of the major food delivery apps and their reported rates of food theft:

Delivery App% of Orders With Missing Items

*Data from survey of app users over 6 months in 2022.

So while theft is uncommon, it certainly happens. Being aware of the warning signs and what to do when it occurs is important.

Contact Doordash Support Through Multiple Methods

The moment you suspect your Doordash order has been stolen, immediately contact Doordash support through any and all means possible:

  • Call support at 1-855-431-0459. Calling allows you to explain the situation in detail to an agent. Be sure to get the name of the representative helping you.

  • Use live chat in the app. Live chat puts your request in writing and provides a transcript you can save.

  • Submit a report through the Help section. Creating a ticket documents the issue and starts the resolution process.

  • Email support at [email protected]. Having an email creates a paper trail you can refer back to.

  • Tweet @DoorDash. A public tweet can often get a faster response from a social media manager.

The more contact points you use, the better your chances of a timely resolution. Provide order details like restaurant name, delivery address, delivery time, and the driver‘s name if available. Explain clearly that you suspect the driver stole your food. Politely request they investigate and provide a refund or replacement order.

Leave an Honest Review Reflecting the Experience

After contacting Doordash support, leave a review of the driver in the app. Give 1 to 3 stars depending on how egregious the supposed theft was. In your written comments, explain factually that you did not receive the order and believe the driver may have stolen it. This leaves a record and helps warn other customers.

Check Camera Footage for Evidence

If you have a smart doorbell camera or security camera near your door, review the footage for potential evidence of theft. Does it show the driver arriving, where they left the food, and if they took it back? Video evidence can help your claim with Doordash.

Make sure to download and save any relevant clips showing the driver‘s actions. These can be sent to Doordash support to back up your report.

Call the Restaurant Directly

Additionally, call the restaurant your order was from. Many restaurants track when a Doordash driver picks up an order. Ask the restaurant if they have any record of the driver collecting your food. They may be able to confirm it left their possession.

File a Police Report as a Last Resort

For high ticket thefts or clear evidence of theft, filing an official police report creates a paper trail. While the police are unlikely to investigate, having a report on record strengthens your complaint if Doordash refuses to resolve the issue.

Only file a report if you have strong evidence and the restaurant or Doordash does not address your complaint after multiple contacts. Avoid false accusations that you cannot prove.

Why Would a Driver Steal Food?

While theft is never justified, there are some possible explanations for why a driver may steal an order:

  • Trying to earn extra money by scamming for free meals
  • Experiencing hunger on the job due to low wages or lack of personal funds
  • General lack of morals or desire for thrill/adrenaline rush
  • Spotting expensive items, alcohol, or special treats they want

Understanding motives can help prevent theft. But it does not excuse the behavior or mean you should tolerate stolen orders.

How to Avoid Stolen Food Deliveries

While you cannot control what happens once the order leaves the restaurant, there are some preventative steps you can take:

  • Track the driver‘s location and meet them at the door
  • Ask for no-contact delivery with food left in a safe spot
  • Tip well to incentivize great service and honesty
  • Order inexpensive menu items instead of expensive meals
  • Avoid ordering alcohol through delivery apps

Being proactive reduces the temptation for theft. But ultimately you must rely on Doordash to deactivate dishonest drivers.

What Should You Expect from Doordash?

When reporting a stolen order, you deserve a timely response and resolution from Doordash. Here is what you should expect:

  • Initial response in under 2 hours after contacting support
  • Thorough investigation into the driver and order details
  • Review of any evidence/footage you can provide
  • Offer of a refund or order replacement
  • Follow up on any discipline for the suspected driver

Doordash depends on customer satisfaction and trust. They have a vested interest in resolving theft cases quickly and making it right. If the initial agent does not help, politely ask to speak to a supervisor for additional assistance.

Don‘t Suffer in Silence If Your Delivery Was Stolen

Having your food stolen by a delivery driver is upsetting and basically robbery. But you have options to report it and receive reasonable compensation. Be persistent yet polite with Doordash support. And leave honest reviews about drivers when warranted. This helps protect other customers and improves accountability.

With awareness and action, food theft by drivers can be reduced. Don‘t suffer in silence – speak up if you suspect your Doordash order was stolen. The vast majority of Doordash drivers are ethical, so help weed out the bad apples spoiling it for everyone. You have the power to be part of the solution.

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