Why Is My DoorDash Order Stuck on “Confirming Order” in 2024?

Ordering delivery through DoorDash provides the ultimate convenience – until your order gets stuck in the dreaded “Confirming Order” status. This ambiguous message leaves hungry customers wondering when their food will actually arrive.

According to DoorDash data, over 25 million customers place delivery orders on their platform every month. With such a high volume of orders flooding into restaurants, delays and hiccups in the ordering process are inevitable.

If your DoorDash order is stuck confirming in 2024, here’s a detailed guide on why it happens and what you can do to get your food faster.

The Meaning Behind “Confirming Order”

When a customer places an order on the DoorDash app or website, the order details are instantly transmitted to the selected restaurant. However, the restaurant must then actively confirm they have received the order on their end.

DoorDash confirming order meaning

The “Confirming Order” message means:

  • The restaurant has been notified of the order by DoorDash
  • The restaurant has not confirmed receipt and acceptance of the order yet
  • The restaurant has not begun preparing the order yet

This confirmation process is intended to be quite quick. However, when delays happen, customers get stuck in limbo with a pending order status.

Why Your DoorDash Order Gets Stuck at the Confirmation Stage

There are a few key reasons your DoorDash order may stay endlessly stuck at the “Confirming Order” stage:

The Restaurant is Too Busy

During peak lunch and dinner rush hours, restaurants get flooded with online orders from multiple delivery services. When operating at full capacity, some establishments struggle to promptly acknowledge every incoming order.

According to a 2019 report, up to 20% of restaurants say their online ordering channel is understaffed during busy shifts. With fewer staff available to manage and confirm orders, longer delays are inevitable.

Technical Issues With the Restaurant’s Devices

Many restaurants use specialized tablets or mobile devices provided by DoorDash to receive and manage incoming orders. If these devices encounter technical problems, the restaurant can’t actually access or confirm new orders.

Common technical issues include:

  • Tablet freezing, crashing, or lagging apps
  • Poor internet connectivity disrupting order transmission
  • Accessibility issues like the tablet running out of batteries
  • Outdated app versions with bugs and glitches

Without properly functioning devices, restaurants are essentially unable to move past the “Confirming Order” stage.

Problems or Bugs in the DoorDash App

While restaurants are primarily responsible for order confirmation, glitches or outages on DoorDash’s end can also disrupt the process.

The DoorDash app averages nearly 2 million monthly downloads, so bugs or performance issues impact enormous numbers of customers.

Common DoorDash app issues include:

  • Push notification delays or failures for new orders
  • Incorrect order status displays due to lagging data
  • Complete service outages preventing order placement

If the app is down or working incorrectly, the “Confirming Order” status persists even if the restaurant has confirmed the order. Only a refresh of the app data can update the status.

Typical Confirmation Times: What’s Considered Normal?

Ideally, restaurants should confirm orders within just 5-10 minutes of placement during normal conditions. However, when volume spikes during peak hours, confirmations can understandably take 15-20 minutes.

According to DoorDash data based on thousands of restaurants, the average confirmation time is 12 minutes.

If your order is still stuck at “Confirming Order” after 30+ minutes, your food is likely delayed. At this point, further action is required to resolve the issue.

Troubleshooting Tips: How To Handle an Order Stuck Confirming

When your DoorDash order seemingly stalls out at “Confirming Order”, try these troubleshooting steps:

Refresh the App

A quick force refresh of the DoorDash app often clears up improper order statuses caused by app errors or lagging data.

On the app‘s menu or your order page, pull downward to manually reload. This prompts the app to check for updated order data.

Call the Restaurant

Calling the restaurant is an easy way to check if they have received and confirmed your order yet. Explain the situation politely and ask if they can provide an estimated preparation timeline.

Based on their response, you’ll know if the issue lies with the restaurant or with DoorDash’s systems.

Contact DoorDash Support

If your order has been stuck for over 30 minutes, reach out to DoorDash support agents through live chat within the app.

They can contact the restaurant directly to diagnose the problem and update your order status. DoorDash may also provide credits for longer delays.

Cancel the Order

If the delay has become unacceptable, or you are no longer available to receive the order, cancellation is an option.

To qualify for a full refund, orders must be canceled before preparation begins. Navigate to the “Your Orders” page and select “Cancel Order".

How Customers Can Avoid Delayed Order Confirmations

While occasional hiccups are inevitable, you can dodge excessive “Confirming Order” waits by:

  • Avoiding peak hours – Order outside of 12 pm-2 pm and 5 pm-8 pm lunch and dinner rushes
  • Choosing reliably prompt restaurants – Read Yelp and Google reviews for speed and service feedback
  • Sticking to simpler orders – Customized orders with modifications take longer to prepare and confirm
  • Ordering from nearby – The closer the restaurant, the faster delivery after pick-up

Careful selection of order times and locations helps streamline the preparation process for speedy service.

With millions of daily orders and thousands of independent restaurants, DoorDash still has some kinks in their systems. However, proactive customers can navigate delays and get their orders back on track with better choices and quick troubleshooting.

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