Enable headless mode

Reddit is a treasure trove of valuable information, from trending news and niche community discussions to customer feedback on products and services. Being able to access and analyze Reddit data provides powerful insights for businesses, researchers, and curious data enthusiasts alike.

In the past, the go-to method for collecting Reddit data was through the official API. However, in April 2023, Reddit announced new fees for API access that put data out of reach for many – $0.24 per 1,000 API calls adds up fast when you‘re trying to scrape data at scale.

Fortunately, there‘s a more cost-effective and flexible solution: web scraping. With some basic Python skills, you can build your own Reddit scraper to gather the exact data you need without paying for expensive API calls or getting cut off by rate limits.

In this step-by-step guide, we‘ll walk through how to scrape Reddit data using Python and Selenium. Whether you‘re analyzing sentiment, tracking customer feedback, or researching trends, you‘ll learn how to unlock the insights hidden in Reddit content. Let‘s get started!

Why Scrape Reddit?

Before diving into the technical details, let‘s look at some of the key benefits of scraping Reddit data compared to using the official API:


With the new API fees, scraping your own Reddit data is significantly cheaper than making thousands or millions of API calls. For example, Apollo, a popular third-party Reddit app, had to shut down because the API costs were unsustainable. Web scraping puts data back in the hands of all.

Flexible data collection

APIs provide data in a pre-defined structure which may not fit your use case. When scraping, you can precisely target and extract the fields you need. You also aren‘t constrained by Reddit‘s rate limits and usage restrictions.

Access to "unofficial" data

Reddit‘s API surfaces a limited set of "official" data. Scraping lets you access any public information on the site, opening up new possibilities for analysis and insights.

Now that we‘ve established why you‘d want to scrape Reddit, let‘s look at how to actually do it!

Step-by-Step Reddit Scraping Tutorial

Here‘s a start-to-finish walkthrough of building a Reddit scraper in Python using Selenium. We‘ll be collecting data from the r/Technology subreddit, but this same approach can be used on any subreddit or Reddit data you want to analyze.

Step 1: Project Setup

Before we start coding, make sure you have the following:

  • Python 3+ installed
  • A Python IDE like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code
  • The Chrome web browser

Create a new folder for your Reddit scraping project and open it in your IDE. Then initialize a Python virtual environment with the following terminal commands:

mkdir reddit-scraper
cd reddit-scraper 
python -m venv env

This keeps your scraping dependencies separate from other Python projects on your machine.

Next, create a new Python file called scraper.py. We‘ll write our Reddit scraping script here. For now, just add a print statement to make sure things are working:

print(‘Hello World!‘)  

Run the script using the IDE‘s run button or by entering the following terminal command:

python scraper.py

If you see "Hello World!" printed in the console output, you‘re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Installing Libraries

Our Reddit scraper will be built using Selenium, a powerful web automation tool that can render JavaScript and interact with web pages like a human user. We‘ll also use the webdriver-manager package to automatically handle downloading and configuring the appropriate web drivers.

Install Selenium and Webdriver Manager with the following terminal command:

pip install selenium webdriver-manager

Now we can import these libraries and initialize a web driver at the top of the scraper.py file:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service as ChromeService  
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options

options = Options() options.add_argument(‘--headless=new‘)

driver = webdriver.Chrome( service=ChromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install()), options=options )


Notice the --headless=new option passed when initializing the web driver. This runs Chrome without launching a visible UI, conserving system resources. The scraper will still have access to the full rendered page content.

Step 3: Connecting to Reddit

With our web driver ready, it‘s time to navigate to the target subreddit and start inspecting the page contents we want to extract.

First, declare a variable with the URL of the subreddit‘s "top" posts for the past week:

url = ‘https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/top/?t=week‘

Then instruct the web driver to load this page:


If you disable headless mode temporarily, you‘ll see Selenium launch a Chrome window and navigate to the r/Technology subreddit page.

Step 4: Inspecting the Target Page

To scrape data from the page, we need to find the relevant HTML elements that contain each piece of information we‘re interested in.

Open the Reddit URL in a separate tab and use Chrome‘s Developer Tools to inspect the page (right click > Inspect). In the Elements panel, you can browse the page‘s HTML structure and hover over elements to highlight the corresponding part of the rendered page.

Look for elements that have meaningful class names, IDs, or other attributes that we can target with CSS selectors or XPaths. Avoid targeting generic class names as these tend to change frequently, breaking your scraper.

Step 5: Scraping Subreddit Info

Let‘s start by scraping some key information about the subreddit itself, like its name, description, and number of members. We‘ll store this data in a Python dictionary:

subreddit = {}

Using the techniques from the previous step, we can find the CSS selectors and XPaths needed to extract each subreddit detail:

subreddit[‘name‘] = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, ‘h1‘).text

subreddit[‘description‘] = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘[data-testid="no-edit-description-block"]‘).get_attribute(‘innerText‘)

subreddit[‘creation_date‘] = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘.icon-cake‘).find_element(By.XPATH, "following-sibling::*[1]").get_attribute(‘innerText‘).replace(‘Created ‘, ‘‘)

members = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘[id^="IdCard--Subscribers"]‘).find_element(By.XPATH, "preceding-sibling::*[1]").get_attribute(‘innerText‘)

For some fields, like the creation date, we need to clean the extracted text to remove unwanted substrings. For the number of members, we can use a regular expression to match the element ID that starts with "IdCard–Subscribers".

Print the subreddit dictionary to verify the data was scraped correctly:


Step 6: Scraping Posts

Next, let‘s collect data on individual posts in the subreddit, like titles, scores, comment counts, and outbound links. Since there are multiple posts on the page, we‘ll store them in a list of dictionaries:

posts = []

Finding the right selectors for post data is a similar process to subreddit data. We can target the root element for each post, then traverse to the child elements containing the data we need.

post_elements = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘[data-testid="post-container"]‘)

for post_element in post_elements: post = {}

post[‘title‘] = post_element.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, ‘h3‘).text

post[‘score‘] = post_element.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘[data-click-id="upvote"]‘).find_element(By.XPATH, "following-sibling::*[1]").get_attribute(‘innerText‘) 

post[‘comments‘] = post_element.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘[data-click-id="comments"]‘).get_attribute(‘innerText‘).replace(‘ Comments‘, ‘‘)

    post[‘link‘] = post_element.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘[data-testid="outbound-link"]‘).get_attribute(‘href‘)
    post[‘link‘] = None

if post[‘title‘]:

This code finds all the post elements, then loops through each one to extract the title, score, comment count, and outbound link.

Since not all posts have an outbound link, we use a try/except block to handle cases where that element is missing. We also skip appending posts that are missing a title, to avoid capturing empty "ad" posts.

Finally, add the posts list to the subreddit dictionary:

subreddit[‘posts‘] = posts

Step 7: Exporting Data

We now have a structured Python dictionary containing all the scraped Reddit data. To make it easy to share this data with other people and systems, let‘s export it to a JSON file.

First, import the built-in json library:

import json  

Then use json.dump() to write the data to a file:

with open(‘subreddit.json‘, ‘w‘) as f:
    json.dump(subreddit, f)  

This creates a new subreddit.json file in the project directory containing all the scraped Reddit data in a format that can be easily parsed and analyzed using any programming language.

Scraping Best Practices

While building your own Reddit scraper is fairly straightforward, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

Run in headless mode

As demonstrated in the tutorial, running your web driver in headless mode saves a lot of system resources compared to launching a full browser UI. This is especially important when scraping larger amounts of data.

Handle dynamic content

Some parts of the Reddit page, like the infinite scroll of posts, are loaded dynamically with JavaScript. Regular HTTP request libraries can‘t handle this, which is why we use a tool like Selenium to render the full page. For other sites, you may need to use Selenium‘s wait functions to pause execution until certain elements have loaded.

Respect rate limits

Even though scraping avoids official rate limits, it‘s a good idea to throttle your requests to avoid overwhelming the target site. Adding a few seconds of sleep time between requests can make your scraper appear more like a human user.

Rotate user agents and IP addresses

Advanced websites may use techniques like user agent fingerprinting and IP address tracking to detect and block suspicious scraping activity. Rotating user agents and using a pool of proxy IP addresses can help avoid this.

Tools for Easier Reddit Scraping

Scraping can get quite complex, especially for larger projects. Here are a couple of tools to streamline Reddit data collection:

Bright Data Scraping Browser

This is a managed web scraping service that handles rendering JavaScript, solving CAPTCHAs, and IP rotation out of the box. It provides an interface similar to Selenium, but without the hassle of solving anti-scraping mechanisms yourself.

Purchasing Reddit Datasets

Don‘t want to write a single line of code? You can purchase cleaned and structured Reddit datasets from most web scraping providers. This is a great option if you have a specific subreddit or keyword in mind and don‘t need real-time data.


With the constantly evolving landscape of APIs and platforms, web scraping has become an essential skill for anyone who works with online data. This tutorial walked through the key steps to scrape Reddit data using Python and Selenium:

  1. Setting up a new scraping project
  2. Installing required libraries
  3. Connecting to and inspecting target web pages
  4. Scraping structured data with CSS selectors and XPaths
  5. Handling edge cases and dynamic content
  6. Exporting data in a portable format

By applying these techniques, you can unlock valuable insights from Reddit, even without access to the official API. Some key benefits of scraping Reddit include:

  • Cost-effectively collecting large amounts of data
  • Precise control over data extraction
  • Access to public data not available through platform APIs

I hope this guide has been helpful for your Reddit scraping projects! Feel free to adapt the code samples to scrape data from other parts of Reddit, or even entirely different websites. The concepts and tools used here are applicable across many different scraping use cases.

As always, make sure to respect website terms of service and don‘t overwhelm sites with excessive requests. Happy scraping!

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