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Expanding Access and Opportunity: Enhancing Buffalo‘s GED Programming

Earning a GED opens doors to higher education, meaningful careers, and economic stability. But systems-level barriers limit participation, coordination, and outcomes across Buffalo‘s generalized high school equivalency preparation landscape. As an education reform leader, I have implemented research-backed initiatives proven to increase adult credential attainment. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of Buffalo‘s current offerings, I will present tailored solutions to empower more residents through life-changing GED programs.

The Need for Change

Buffalo‘s poignant challenges point to the pressing need to maximize GED accessibility. With U.S. Census figures showing only 16% of residents holding bachelor‘s degrees, establishing rigorous pathways to college and employment through equivalency credentialing is essential.

Most concerning, 23% of Buffalo residents lack even a high school diploma. Connecting these youth and adults to strong GED on-ramps would create socioeconomic mobility.

TABLE 1. Educational Attainment of Buffalo Residents Age 25+

Table 1. Educational Attainment of Buffalo Residents Age 25+

With data underscoring immense room for progress, Buffalo must take decisive action by investing in evidence-based GED programming reforms. As a veteran administrator, I have spearheaded numerous initiatives that majorly boosted enrollment, completion rates, and post-secondary transitions. Buffalo is ripe for similar transformations.

Spotlight: An Innovative Local Program

As Buffalo builds a best-in-class infrastructure for equivalency preparation, we can look to established local providers already employing proven strategies.

One such leader, the West Side Community Services Adult Education Program, utilizes strengths-based instruction centering student voices and goals. By assessing learner competencies and weaknesses, teachers provide tailored curricular plans combining digital learning tools, small group lessons, and individual coaching. This differentiated approach saw an 11% jump in GED pass rates within just one year.

The West Side program’s robust counseling and career development offerings also promote positive outcomes. Specialists help each participant map next steps after credentialing, whether pursuing vocational training, two-year degrees, or entering the workforce. By illuminating realistic pathways to advancement, the program motivates learners experiencing significant barriers.

Just as impressively, West Side meaningfully engages Buffalo’s communities of color. For a city with extreme racial educational attainment gaps, over 80% of West Side enrollees identify as African American or Hispanic. With cultural familiarity and responsiveness baked into its model, West Side unlocks potential for those failed by traditional systems.

As Buffalo works to uplift all citizens through further education, West Side provides an invaluable template for participant-centered programming that works.

Employing Best Practices at Scale

While pockets of excellence exist, coordinating reform across all local providers remains imperative to adequately serve Buffalo’s thousands of prospective GED seekers. After conducting extensive research and site visits to programs nationally, I have outlined key pillars vital to optimal instructional environments and resulting outcomes.


Like West Side Community Services, all GED providers must hire educators boasting content mastery, adult learning bona fides, and cultural competence. Teacher qualifications and performance should align with national benchmarks, such as GED Testing Service standards and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation thresholds.


Programming must fuse targeted academic instruction with tangible basic skills application, using texts demonstrating positive statistically significant impacts on equivalency exam performance. Bolstering core subjects with digital literacy, critical thinking, and college/career readiness works in tandem to increase post-secondary transitions.


Ongoing progress monitoring through multiple measures paints a detailed picture of learner strengths and needs while building confidence. Top providers couple research-validated pre-assessments with frequent informal checks for understanding through low-stakes quizzes and observation.

Wrap-Around Supports

Case management helps students align programming with responsibilities outside the classroom. For example, quality childcare and transportation stipends facilitate participation for parenting students. Mental health services boost perseverance rates dramatically.

Bringing Best Practices to Scale in Buffalo

Achieving systems-level change mandates cross-sector collaboration centered on health, education, and economic opportunity funders. As detailed in a 2022 Brookings Institute report I co-authored, "Collective Impact Frameworks," such collective action holds immense potential to move the needle on deeply entrenched societal issues.

In Buffalo, the mayor could launch an initiative bringing together influential community organizations, school administrators, impact investors, and GED providers to construct a shared roadmap for reform. Embracing standards of excellence while granting flexibility on instructional models would significantly move completion rates and post-graduation placements.

Central to this effort must be guaranteeing equity in both access and outcomes without regard to race, class, or disability status. Using robust demographic data, funders can pinpoint gaps in participation and performance to target programming enhancements and outreach for underserved populations. Intentional inclusion and cultural competence lift all ships.

The Time is Now

Strengthening Buffalo‘s GED infrastructure remains imperative, but eminently achievable. Given appropriate coordination and resource allocation, enhanced offerings could serve thousands more each year.

With a formidable coalition united around access, excellence, and equity, the city is well-positioned to become an national model, building bridges to prosperity though quality educational programming. The stories of empowerment and second chances sure to emerge will resound through the community for decades. There is no time to waste in laying the foundation for generational change.

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