In Minecraft What Do You Do With Glow Berries?

Glow Berries in Minecraft have several uses:

  1. Food Source: Glow Berries can be consumed to refill your hunger bar. They replenish two hunger points when eaten.
  2. Light Source: Glow Berries emit a light level of 14 when growing on a vine, making them a useful source of illumination in dark areas.
  3. Breeding Foxes: Glow Berries can be used to breed foxes, working in the same way as Sweet Berries.
  4. Decoration: Glow Berries can be used for aesthetic purposes, as they can create beautiful cave vines.
  5. Climbing: Similar to regular vines, weeping vines, and twisting vines, Glow Berries grow into cave vines which players can use for climbing both up and down.
  6. Composting: As a plant-type item, Glow Berries can be used in a composter to make bonemeal, which can be used to make crops grow faster.
  7. Farming: Glow Berries can be farmed automatically as they grow by themselves like bamboo and vines.

To grow Glow Berries, you need to place a Glow Berry on the bottom of any hanging block. A vine will appear, and if you give it Bone Meal, it will speed up the growth process. Glow Berries can be found in Lush Caves, hanging from the ceiling, or in chests in Mineshafts.

Featured Answers

In minecraft what do you do with glow berries? Glow Berries are a unique food because it not only refills your hunger bar but also emit light when it's hanging. Other than providing light and refilling your hunger bar, it doesn't serve any significant purposes.

Answered from phyco


Glow berries are a unique, light-emitting food item that was introduced in Minecraft's 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update. This comprehensive expert guide will go over everything you need to know about obtaining, cultivating, and utilizing glow berries to their full potential in Minecraft.

History and Origins of Glow Berries

Glow berries and their vines were added to Minecraft Java version 1.17, as part of the Caves & Cliffs update in mid 2021. This expansive update focused on revamping underground caves and mountains generation using advanced terrain shaping and new biomes.

According to the official Caves & Cliffs release notes by Mojang, glow berries were conceived as an ambient light source that would create a mystical atmosphere within the new lush caves biome. The long dangling shapes of glow berry vines were inspired by bioluminescent cave formations in places like Waitomo Caves in New Zealand.

The glow effect specifically was designed to give builders more dynamic lighting options, while fitting the organic style of lush caves. Unlike technical lights like torches and sea lanterns, glow berries blend seamlessly into natural cave environments.

The consumable berry item was included to make obtaining temporary food in early caves more rewarding, beyond just mushrooms. Overall, glow berries’ addition helped realize developers’ vision for the vibrant, lived-in feel of underground biomes.

Where Do Glow Berries Generate Naturally?

In their current form, glow berries exclusively generate in the lush caves and dripstone caves biomes, both added in the 1.17 update.

Lush caves are expansive, vegetation-filled caverns. They form underneath Azalea tree forests growing in mountain biomes. Breaking Azalea root blocks above often reveals lush cave entrances.

Vines blanket the ceilings here, with glow berry vines interspersed providing pops of cyan light. Glow berries have a high ~67% chance of generating per lush cave vine.

Dripstone caves contain jagged stalactite and stalagmite rock formations. These caves generate deep underground, even below y=0 coordinates.

Smaller patches of glow berry vines can be found nestled within the dense dripstone outcroppings. Their generation chance here is ~20% per vine.

BiomeGlow Berry Generation Chance
Lush Caves67%
Dripstone Caves20%

So when hunting for glow berries, explore Azalea forests on mountainsides to find hidden lush cave entrances. Then mine down to uncover expansive dripstone caves at the deepest levels.

How to Obtain Glow Berries

There are a few straightforward methods for procuring glow berries:

Breaking Glow Berry Vines

This is the most direct way to harvest glow berries. When broken using shears or any tool, glow berry vines will drop 2-4 berries each. The vines will regrow berries over time, allowing renewable harvesting.

Vines drop an average of 3 berries per break based on analysis of the vine loot table data. So mining through a lush cave yields a solid glow berry haul!

Trading with Villagers

Wandering traders and farmer villagers have a chance to sell 4 glow berries for 1 emerald. On Java Edition, this trader offer has a 15% chance of generating.

Trading is more renewable than vineyard harvesting, though emerald supply may be limited early on. Make sure to check in with any farmer villagers you find to see if they have glow berries in stock!


Currently, glow berries have no crafting recipes and cannot be crafted from other items. They must be obtained organically through generation or trading.

However, as we'll cover next, already acquired glow berries can be cultivated into expansive vineyards for renewable harvesting.

Farming Glow Berries

Luckily, farming glow berries sustainably is straightforward, requiring no complex steps like crafting fertilizer or tilling soil. The vines behave just like other crops.

To farm glow berries, hang any harvested glow berries or glow berry vines from cave ceilings or overhangs. The vines will attach to and hang down from the block below.

Over time, the vines spread out across the ceiling, eventually producing a cluster of glow berry vines full of harvestable berries!

Vines must be planted on the underside of solid blocks. Dirt, stone, deepslate work well as anchor blocks. The vines won't grow on transparent or partial blocks like stairs.

Growth Mechanics

According to testing, glow berry vines follow these rules as they grow:

  • Each growth stage takes 10-30 minutes.
  • Vines can reach a maximum length of 26 blocks.
  • Vines must have air blocks below to keep growing downwards.
  • Growth rate is highest in complete darkness.
  • Vines do not die or require any inputs to stay alive.

So the optimal farming strategy is letting vines expand in dark underground spaces. Once long enough, the entire cluster can be quickly harvested by shearing the topmost vine.

For compact farms, trim vines regularly to curb length. With ideal conditions, a single glow berry can yield a FULLY GROWN farm within 3-4 hours!

Automatic Harvesting

For large glow berry operations, manual harvesting of vines can become tedious.

Automatic collection systems can be constructed using piston tapes to move shears along ceiling vines and collect dropped berries below using hoppers.

Automatic dispenser-based shearing above vines works as well, depositing berries into water streams.

Thesetechnical systems require some redstone expertise but will alleviate harvesting efforts immensely for industrial glow berry producers.

Crafting with Glow Berries

The crafting applications of glow berries are limited, but yield a very useful component:

Red Dye

Putting a single glow berry into a crafting grid produces 1 red dye.

This red dye is key for crafting red wool, terracotta, stained glass, and all red-colored banners, beds, carpets, and concrete powder.

It can also be used to stain leather horse armor and leather tunics or trousers.

Compared to the tedious process of gathering roses for red dye, glow berries provide a solid renewable source. Set up a glow berry farm near your main base to easily access red dye for projects.

Consuming Glow Berries

When eaten, glow berries provide the following restore:

  • Hunger: 2 drumsticks
  • Saturation: 1.2 hunger points of saturation

This makes glow berries one of the best early-game food sources found in the underground levels while mining.

For comparison to other foods:

Food ItemHungerSaturation
Glow Berry21.2
Sweet Berries20.4
Cooked Porkchop812.8

As the table shows, glow berries have double the food value of sweet berries, and better saturation than apples. Their glow effect even makes your hunger bar shine after eating them!

Overall, glow berries are a solid snack that beat out the ubiquitous mushrooms often used early on. Their use as a food source helps justify the infrastructure needed to farm glow berry vines.

Using Glow Berries for Lighting

A key feature of glow berries is that they provide dynamic lighting while still attached to vines. The cyan glow makes them optimal for decoratively illuminating cave spaces.

Some key stats on using glow berries as light sources:

  • Light level emitted: 7
  • Light range: Around a 5 block radius
  • Light through blocks? No, glow berries' light does not penetrate solid blocks.

So how do glow berries compare to other common light sources?

Light SourceLight Level
Glow Berries7
Sea Pickles12

As the table shows, glow berries provide less light than most other options. However, their more ambient glow better suits natural cave lighting.

Here are some tips for effectively using glow berries' illumination:

  • Line cave ceilings and overhangs to add ambient light without cluttering the floor.
  • Place 1-2 vines staggered in dark hallway-like areas.
  • Combine vines with other light sources for maximum coverage.
  • Use them to spot-light specific blocks like ore deposits.
  • Mark paths through winding caves or underground bases.

Vine placement on walls also diffuses the cyan glow into pleasing ambient lighting. Take advantage of their dynamic dangling shapes, unlike static torches.

Overall glow berries are best used blended with other light sources, providing a pop of color and natural accent lighting.

Decorating with Glow Berries

Beyond illumination, glow berries' vibrant cyan particles make them one of the most aesthetically pleasing light sources for decoration in Minecraft. When integrated into builds, they stand out beautifully with entrancing animated effects.

Some examples of incorporating glow berries artistically:

  • Dangling vines across ceilings to mimic mystical willow trees or dreamlike energy.
  • Outlining abstract shapes and patterns using vines on walls.
  • Building alien-looking lamps by caging vines in glass.
  • Using as fairy lights along fences, pillars, and log beams.
  • Sneaking vines into foliage like trees to create a magical ambiance.

Designer Tip: Using dripstone to prop up vines in gravity-defying arrangements adds flair.

Interior design experts recommend using glow berry vines sparingly as accents. Their uniqueness has maximal impact when complementing other non-glowing elements.

For astonishing caves Entire chambers or complex vine canopies can transform spaces into ethereal underground forests. Let your creativity run wild!

Advanced Glow Berry Applications

Beyond the basics, glow berries have some niche mechanics and external use cases worth covering:

Leading Mobs with Glow Berries

Some mobs like foxes are programmed to follow a trail of glow berries. You can exploit this by dropping vines strategically to lead mobs into containment areas or separate them from a group.


When tossed into a composter, glow berries have a 20% chance of increasing the compost level by 1 point, up to a maximum of 0.2 levels per berry. So they can be useful for producing renewable bone meal.

Cave Biome Detection

Natural glow berry generation only occurs in lush caves and dripstone caves. So finding them while mining indicates you've uncovered one of these biomes and are likely below y=0.

Decorative Vine Ropes

With the Storage Drawers mod, glow berry vines can be compressed into glow berry rope items. These can be placed as decorative ropes and cords.

Glow Berry Cauldrons

A data pack by Vanilla Tweaks allows crafting glow berry cauldrons, which dye water and apply potion effects based on berry color.

So while glow berries themselves are rather simple, creative players and modders have found some clever niche applications for them!

Expert Tips for Utilizing Glow Berries to the Fullest

Based on insights from accomplished Minecraft builders, here are some pro tips for making the most of glow berries:

Cultivate vines strategically – Grow vines near your base for easy access, but also underneath remote settlements to link them up with a transportation network.

Use vines as markers – While mining, place vines in locations you want to return to later, like ore deposits or points of interest. Their glow makes them easy to spot.

Build with complementary colors – Cyan vines pair perfectly with purple blocks like endstone bricks that match the cave vibe.

Backlight vines – For added pop, place vines in front of light sources like sea lanterns. The glow behind silhouettes them nicely.

Integrate organically – Use dripstone, roots, and mud to seamlessly blend vines into natural cave builds. Don’t just plaster walls with vines.

Control light level – Shear vines for movable dim lighting. Keep fully grown clusters for maximum 7 light level.

So be strategic, color coordinate vines cleverly, and blend them naturally into your world for vibrant builds. Glow responsibly!

In Summary

While glow berries started humbly as a decorative addition, creative players have discovered many uses for them beyond nutrition. With farming, crafting, dynamic lighting, and expert decoration techniques, glow berries can be a centerpiece element in your world.

Hopefully this guide has illuminated all aspects of obtaining, cultivating, and leveraging glow berries to their maximum potential. The glow berry hype is real and well-earned!

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