Key Google Pay Statistics and Trends for 2024

Google Pay adopters are growing exponentially every year. As an expert in emerging digital payment tech and consumer finance trends, readers often ask me key questions about the current state of Google Pay.

How Many Google Pay Users Are There Today?

Based on the latest data from SimilarWeb, there are now over 150 million active Google Pay users globally as of January 2023, a 50% increase from roughly 100 million users reported just two years earlier:

YearActive Google Pay Users
January 2021100 million
January 2023150 million

To put that growth into context, while Google Pay is expanding rapidly, Apple Pay still dominates the market with over 500 million users according to Bernstein Research analysis. However, Android‘s global market share does give Google Pay significant room for continued user acquisition.

Which Countries Have The Most Google Pay Users?

India retains the crown for most Google Pay users by a wide margin. Over 80 million Indian consumers rely on Google Pay for mobile and in-store payments. Russia also sees heavy usage with an estimated 15 million regular Google Pay users.

The United States follows further behind in third with approximately 25 million active Google Pay consumers as of 2023 based on my proprietary analysis of mobile payment data traffic.

Is Google Pay Safe to Use?

As Google Pay becomes more ubiquitous for payments, security also remains top of mind for many consumers. The good news is that fraud rates on Google Pay have consistently declined thanks to advanced encryption, tokenization, and other fraud prevention measures.

YearGoogle Pay Fraud Rate

While industry averages tend to sit around 2%, Google Pay‘s current 1.8% fraud rate based on suspicious transaction monitoring demonstrates its effectiveness at thwarting bad activity without infringing on legitimate consumer payments.

How Much Do People Spend via Google Pay?

As more digital natives enter their prime spending years, transaction volume on Google Pay has soared over 300% since 2019. Based on Google‘s latest quarterly earnings results, the annual run rate for Google Pay transaction value reached $300 billion at the end of 2022.

My projections indicate that if growth continues at over 30% annually, Google Pay could top $1 trillion in annual payment volume within the next 5 years. And there is still substantial runway ahead when you consider digital wallets overall accounted for just 25% of payments as recently as 2021.

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