Has Anyone Caught Every Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

As of February 2023, no trainer has publicly claimed to hold a perfect living AlphaOmega Pokédex containing all obtainable Pokémon available in Pokémon Go. While the current maximum catchable species count floats around 900, completing the entire available Pokédex remains an elusive pipedream pursued only by the most dedicated players.

The Ever-Expanding Pokédex Challenge

When Pokémon Go first launched in 2016, early adopters like Nick Johnson raced to catch the original 151 Kanto Pokémon available. But with regular new releases pushing the number of obtainable species ever higher, trainers must constantly hunt new additions while retaining their existing collections.

YearNew Species AddedCumulative Catchable
2016151 (Gen 1)151
201780 (Gen 2)231
2018130 (Gen 3)361
2019107 (Gen 4)468
202081 (Gen 5)549
2021144 (Gen 6)693
202297 (Gen 7)790
2023100 (so far) (Gen 8 & 9)890+

As this table depicts, the Pokédex completion goal post moves further away each year, making it exponentially harder to catch ‘em all. Just since 2022, another 100 were added, demanding long-time players catch species like Hawlucha, Kleavor, and Greninja.

Grueling Gameplay Demands for Completion

Catching literally every current obtainable Pokémon species in Pokémon Go is a herculean task requiring tremendous gameplay:

  • Capturing: Catching 900+ Pokémon without trading any is nearly impossible for most.
  • Trading: Swapping regionals/legendaries with friends worldwide.
  • Raiding: Battling high-tier raid bosses like the Lake Trio.
  • Traveling: Crossing regions/continents gathering regionals.
  • Events: Completing time-limited mythical research stories.
  • Egg Hatching: Incubating eggs hoping for new Pokédex entries.
  • Shiny Hunting: Luck and perseverance needed for rare off-color variants.
  • Tracking: Meticulously logging progress across hundreds of species.

The financial, temporal, and logistical commitment entailed gives one a sense of how unattainable reaching 100% Pokédex completion remains for casual or even moderate players.

Leaderboard: Who‘s Furthest Along?

While no reported players have officially completed the live AlphaOmega Pokédex, a few standout collectors have staked their claim for nearing — or even potentially surpassing — the 90% threshold:

TrainerTypeTotal Reported CaughtCompletion % Estimate
FTB 95Individual81090-92%
???Mystery Person900+?100%?

LeekDuck in particular frequently shares stat screenshots showcasing Pokédex counts in the low 700s, suggesting they have caught perhaps 80% of all obtainable species. Other sources point to unnamed players breaching even 90% completion rates based on profiling expertise. However, no individuals have emerged publicly proclaiming catching all 900+ Pokémon conclusively at this time.

One cannot rule out though that phantom players under the radar have potentially succeeded in catching ‘em all, but prefer hiding such an achievement to retain competitive advantages or valuable trade leverage. For now, the world waits for a trainer to definitively claim perfect Pokédex perfection!

Is True 100% Completion Possible?

While können trainers realistically catch every single Pokémon available in Pokémon Go? Let‘s dig into the conceptual feasibility:

The Case For:

  • No known hard technical barriers prevent capturing all obtainable species.
  • Sufficient dedication could amass all released species with enough grinding.
  • Spoofers demonstrate completing even regional Pokédex pages.
  • Possible a mystery player has already completed it but hasn‘t shared proof.

The Case Against:

  • Certain species have only been available for limited periods so far.
  • Legendary/shiny/costume species bottleneck are progression.
  • Some players permanently missed registering certain regionals or mythicals.
  • Privacy desires may prevent public proof even if achieved.

So while no trainers have yet definitively "caught ‘em all" in Pokémon Go, the door remains tantalizing open to future completion. Dedicated players unrelentingly continue their Pokédex perfection journey chasing that ever-distant dream of becoming the very best like no one ever was!

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