Has Link Ever Cried?

In short – no, Link has never been explicitly shown crying in any Legend of Zelda game. As the courageous young hero chosen by destiny to save Hyrule and Princess Zelda from harm, Link epitomizes stoicism, virtue and an unbreakable spirit.

However, while Link may not outwardly shed tears due to his incredibly strong resolve, the games have depicted tender moments that suggest Link experiences the whole gamut of human emotions on the inside.

Moments of Grief, Sadness and Loss

Perhaps the closest Link has come to tears is at the ending of Skyward Sword, when Zelda volunteers to enter a long slumber in order to seal away Demise. Link lunges forward as if to stop her, then drops to his knees in despair. He is overcome by the shock and heartbreak of essentially losing his closest childhood friend.

GameSad Moment
Ocarina of TimeWhen parting ways with his dear friend Saria as he leaves Kokiri Forest
Majora‘s MaskSeeing so much loss and suffering across Termina
The Wind WakerOutset Island getting destroyed by Ganondorf early on
Twilight PrincessMidna nearly dying and Link‘s desperate race to save her

Many Zelda games contain emotional goodbyes between Link and friends/allies that could bring someone to tears. Having gone through so much together, these bittersweet endings show the connections Link has formed. This may be why Link continues answering the call to save Hyrule across various eras and incarnations.

The Motivation of Relationships

As mentioned earlier, Link‘s unbreakable courage stems from caring deeply about those around him. While grief over loss could logically lead Link to tears, that same grief transforms into his greatest strength.

His devotion to protecting Zelda, the sages, the children of Termina and countless other characters serve as the backbone for Link‘s heroism. One could say that the tears Link could shed manifest instead as the unrelenting persistence that allows him to take down far stronger foes and overcome impossible odds.

Link‘s Nature as a Gaming Hero

It‘s also worth examining Link‘s role as a heroic gaming protagonist. As an avatar for the player, Link is purposely designed without much overt personality or backstory. This allows players to imprint their own perspective onto the character. As such, having Link break down crying would contradict his nature as a brave blank slate.

Silent stoicism enables players to feel a closer connection and bond with Link. Any overt display of emotions could disrupt that crucial linkage between game and gamer. So while Link feels emotion internally like any other person, external tears don‘t suit the role he fills from a gaming perspective.

What the Future Holds

As gaming technology and graphics improve, it‘s possible a future Zelda title could depict Link openly crying as players have never seen before. Particularly if virtual reality becomes more immersive, seeing a photorealistic hero like Link shed tears could elicit an unprecedented emotional impact.

But for now, Link seems destined to keep any tears bottled up inside. And perhaps that‘s for the best – since those unshed tears fuel his ability to triumph over evil again and again!

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