The Home Depot Homer Award Program: Rewarding Employees and Reinforcing Values

The Home Depot Homer Award program has been an impactful way the company recognizes and rewards its employees for exemplifying core values and strong performance. First launched in 1998, the program now engages thousands of Home Depot associates across the country each year.

Origins and Purpose of the Homer Awards

Home Depot created the Homer Awards program in 1998 as a way to link employee rewards and incentives to the company‘s values and culture. According to Home Depot, the program aims to:

  • Motivate employees and reinforce positive behaviors
  • Align employees with the company‘s core values
  • Recognize both customer service and behind-the-scenes contributions
  • Create a spirit of friendly competition between stores and departments

The awards are named after Home Depot‘s mascot, Homer, who represents the company‘s culture and values. Homer appears on employee badges and reminds them of the behaviors Home Depot wants to recognize.

Widespread Participation Across Home Depot Stores

The Homer Awards program has exceptionally high participation, with Home Depot estimating that 95-100% of associates receive at least one Homer Badge per year. In 2021 alone, the company gave out over 600,000 Homer Badges to US and Canadian employees.

This wide reach is by design. Home Depot corporate states that one goal of the program is to "recognize as many associates as possible." Managers are encouraged to actively look for opportunities to allocate badges rather than only reward the top performers.

Homer Awards: Milestones and Rewards

The Homer Award program sets clear milestones and rewards to motivate employees at each step:

Milestone# of BadgesRewards
Bronze3, 15, 27, 39, 51$50 bonus
Silver6, 18, 30, 42, 54$60 bonus
Gold9, 21, 33, 45, 57$75 bonus
Platinum12, 24, 36, 48$100 bonus, platinum watch
Diamond60$200 bonus, choice of gift

After reaching the Diamond level milestone, employees can continue earning badges and start again from the Bronze level. The tiered system gives associates short and long-term goals to work towards.

Homer Badges: Recognizing Achievements Big and Small

Homer Badges are allocated to employees who demonstrate Home Depot‘s core values in their work:

  • Giving back to community
  • Respect for all people
  • Good customer service
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Doing the right thing
  • Building strong relationships
  • Creating shareholder value

Badges might be awarded for putting in extra effort with a customer, volunteering for a store event, suggesting an improvement, or demonstrating safety leadership. Both customer-facing and behind-the-scenes employees are eligible.

This diversity of reasons for earning a badge allows more employees to be recognized for their unique contributions. Awards aren‘t limited to the top salespeople or managers.

Insights from Home Depot Employees

Many Home Depot employees comment positively on the Homer Award program:

  • "The Homer badges create friendly competition between us. We all try to outdo each other with good customer service."
  • "It feels good to be noticed for something you did well. The badges really motivate me."
  • "You can win badges for so many different things here. I like that it‘s not just about sales numbers."

These perspectives reflect how the program boosts morale, motivation, and camaraderie through positive reinforcement.

Key Aspects of the Nomination and Selection Process

Managers distribute the majority of Homer Badges based on their own observations. However, employees can also nominate coworkers through Bravo cards according to some Home Depot stores‘ practices.

To be eligible, employees must demonstrate Home Depot‘s values consistently over time rather than just once. Managers look for sustained commitment to qualities like customer care and community service when awarding badges.

There is a limit enforced on how many badges each store can give per month to keep the rewards meaningful. Targets likely vary based on store size and performance.

The Homer Fund: Supporting Employees in Need

Alongside the badges and performance incentives, the Homer Fund provides financial assistance to Home Depot associates facing emergencies. Funded by employee contributions and Home Depot matching, it has given over $200 million in aid.

Grant amounts up to $10,000 help cover costs related to disasters, illnesses, injuries, etc. The Homer Fund enhances the Homer Awards program by looking after employee wellbeing.


Home Depot‘s 25+ year commitment to the Homer Awards program demonstrates its value in engaging employees, reinforcing desired behaviors, and building a positive culture. It offers a best practice example of how even retailers with over 400,000 employees can implement meaningful incentive programs at scale.

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