How are numbers written in euros? A gaming industry perspective

As an avid gamer and expert analyst of virtual economies, I‘ve developed a keen interest in how real-world currencies are structured. When creating in-game financial systems, developers often take cues from existing monetary conventions while putting their unique spin on things. One great example is the euro (€) – when writing amounts, games adopted some conventions while ditching others. Understanding these nuances is key both for players and those involved in crafting game economies.

So how exactly are numbers written when dealing in euros? Let‘s explore not just the rules but how gaming currencies relate.

Decimal separators – periods vs commas

In euros, a comma serves as the decimal separator in numeric amounts. For example €1,50 represents one euro and fifty cents. This contrasts with the period used as a decimal point in US dollar amounts ($1.50).

The comma as a decimal aligns with conventions in many major in-game currencies too, especially in games made by European developers. But some titles stick with periods, like the globally popular MMORPG World of Warcraft using copper, silver and gold coins. Periods and commas can impact games published across regions.

CurrencyDecimal SeparatorThousands Separator
Euro (€)CommaPeriod
WoW GoldPeriodComma
Simoleons (Sims series)CommaPeriod

As this table shows, popular in-game currencies take different approaches – so keeping local conventions in mind is essential.

Currency symbols and symbolic importance

The euro sign (€) always precedes numeric amounts, with no space between. This parallels many virtual currencies using unique symbols attached to digit strings. For example, Fame in Splitgate is denoted Ф preceding amounts while Valorant Points adopt the VP symbol.

These symbols become ingrained in players‘ minds, taking on higher symbolic meaning than a generic currency code. Seeing that Ф or VP logo triggers recognition of the games they represent and what those currencies offer in cosmetics, abilities and other benefits. The € symbol has that level of influential brand power which game creators try emulating.

Spelling out large digits

When writing euro amounts fully in words, you would spell out the "cents" rather than using "cent" for the fractional currency. We see similar conventions in games when dealing with large digit values for balances, assets, etc.

For example, a player may hold a balance of 100,000 Simoleons. That would be written as one hundred thousand Simoleons. Using the singular "Simoleon" would sound quite awkward, just as writing "one hundred thousand euro cent" does not work. This carries over to other in-game currencies as well – you buy weapon skins for fifty Valorant Points, not Valorant Point.

Denominations from an economic perspective

Euro banknotes have dominations of €5, €10, €20 and up through the €500 note, which is still legal tender. Euro coins represent 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 cent values alongside €1 and €2 coins.

These real-world denominations stem from public circulation needs and discouraging hoarding of higher value notes. In games, currency denominations reflect completely digital systems optimized purely around virtual, closed gameplay economies.

With no need for physical coin and bill production, in-game currencies feature more denominations catering specifically to asset costs. For example, Valorant Points sells skins in price tiers like 875 and 2,550. World of Warcraft‘s Honor system awards progress in unusual increments like 325 and 542 that correspond to carefully tuned progression schemes.

So in-game currencies adopt some conventions from real monetary systems while customizing denominations and scaled values to provide the optimal player experience and game balance.

As a gaming industry expert focused intensely on virtual economies, comparing real-world currency formats with those of legendary in-game financial systems reveals intriguing contrasts. Whether you‘re a professional gamer earning money competing at elite levels or a casual trying to maximize enjoyment from your limited leisure hours and funds, this knowledge helps you navigate any virtual world with its unique economic rules – and ultimately game better!

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