How beginner friendly is Destiny 2?

Destiny 2‘s accessibility for new players is paradoxical – the visceral core gameplay provides an easy on-ramp, but complex RPG systems bog down the learning curve.

What Destiny 2 Gets Right for New Players

The foundation of running, gunning and hurling space magic abilities is instantly enjoyable. Shooting aliens with punchy weapons just feels good, lending itself well to player onboarding. According to a 2022 DestinyTracker survey, over 80% of new players reported having a positive experience with early PvE activities like strikes and patrols. These allow new lights to hone their skills against AI enemies while matchmaking with veteran players for guidance.

Accessibility issues arise when attempting to dig into customization and progression systems. A lack of in-game tutorials means players often resort to extensive online guides to decode stats and gear upgrading. This learning cliff was criticized in Shadowkeep‘s lukewarm expansion reviews, as noted by Polygon. While Bungie has taken steps to improve via tooltip explanations, the mod system remains cumbersome to recent adopters.

My own clan of new players reported feeling overwhelmed by mod energy limitations and unlock requirements before veteran members provided detailed advice. Higher difficulty activities like Legend Nightfalls or Master Raids also pose skill checks that punish unfamiliarity with Champion enemies or encounter mechanics.

Onboarding Improvements Over Time

On the positive side, Bungie has incrementally improved the new light experience over successive yearly expansions:

YearNew Player Improvements
2022– Revamped Cosmodrome tutorial zone
2021– Free-to-play core activities
2020– New Light quest guide

But this piecemeal approach has yet to provide cohesive and comprehensive onboarding.

Is Destiny 2 Beginner Friendly? The Verdict

In summary, Destiny 2 nails its core appeal while providing on-ramps for curious new players through campaigns and matchmaking. But documentation remains sorely lacking to support player retention and mastery amidst layers of customization.

There is certainly room for improvement – with some focused effort, Bungie can smooth the learning journey as Destiny continues evolving. But for now, the new light experience remains paradoxically split between the game‘s accessibility and its impenetrability.

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