How big is BotW map in real life?

Let‘s kick things off with the key fact – BotW‘s map is a sprawling 84 square kilometers or 32.5 square miles. That makes Hyrule around the same size as other notable open worlds like GTA: San Andreas, but smaller than the massive maps of games like The Witcher 3 (over 350 sq km) and GTA V (127 sq km).

Visualizing the Scale of Hyrule

To put BotW‘s scale into perspective, here‘s how it compares in size to other iconic open world locations:

Game WorldArea (sq. km)
The Witcher 3Over 350
GTA V127
Zelda: Breath of the Wild84
Assassin‘s Creed Unity1

As a passionate Zelda fan whose played over 500 hours of BotW, I can attest the sheer variety crammed into those 84 sq km creates an utterly engrossing adventure playground.

More Than Meets the Eye: Intricate Systems Bring Hyrule to Life

From rolling grassy plains to volcanic Death Mountain, Hyrule‘s diverse biomes already lend it an epic sense of scale. But the masterful physics, AI behaviors and dynamic environmental touches make it feel far more lifelike than most static open worlds.

Sneak through wind-swept tall grass while herds of horses gallop around you. Flee a raging thunderstorm that literally sets the world ablaze. Watch a lofty tree gradually tip and crash realistically after you hack away at it. BotW‘s living, breathing Hyrule sells the illusion of exploring a world far larger than the map suggests.

Renowned game reviewer Jason Schreier praised these technical elements in creating "the deepest, liveliest interactive world ever made". It‘s a world that envelops you wholly in its atmosphere and possibility space.

The Allure of Endless Adventure

I‘ll never forget the first time spotting Death Mountain smoldering on the horizon from atop Dueling Peaks stable. Curiosity immediately pulled me to venture toward it with no clear goal beyond taking in the sights along the way.

20 hours of delighted wandering later, I‘d tamed wild horses, found hidden shrines tucked off the beaten path, helped quirky villagers with side quests and stumbled into memorable mini-stories that left me grinning for their spontaneity.

This organic sense of endless adventure and possibility to live out my Bolson Construction employee fantasies comes from BotW‘s genius open-ended design. Rather than following prescribed waypoints, you‘re motivated by innate curiosity – what‘s over that hill or across the river? It invites you to carve out your own personal journey.

The Development Team Used Kyoto as Hyrule Inspiration

In an interview, director Fujibayashi revealed the developers actually started by mapping out Kyoto as the foundation for Hyrule‘s topography before tweaking it from there:

"We actually started out by creating a topographical map of Kyoto, and then adjusting it from there to make it Hyrule. And that‘s how we started mapping out the world in Breath of the Wild."

Considering Kyoto spans around 320 square miles (827 sq km), that lines up with BotW‘s scale feeling like a stretch of rural Japan. Even if the space got compressed, the essence of rambling a scenic countryside shines through.

Bottom Line: Don‘t Sweat the Square Mileage!

While games like The Witcher 3 and GTA V claim more acreage, BotW excels at making every corner of its map feel engaging. Its unparalleled interactivity and physics lend it so much life that it belies its size.

So don‘t get hung up over thinking 84 sq km sounds small for an open world. When nearly every inch hides rewarding exploration ripe with memorable stories, it might as well go on forever!

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