Just How Much Bigger is Breath of the Wild‘s Map Compared to Skyrim?

Let‘s dig into the numbers. According to estimates by keen gaming enthusiasts, Breath of the Wild‘s explorable overworld spans approximately 84 square kilometers. Comparatively, Skyrim‘s vast realm encompasses around 36 square kilometers by most accounts. Simple math tells us Breath of the Wild‘s Hyrule overworld is a whopping 134% larger in pure surface area!

As an avid gamer and content creator myself, I‘m awed by Nintendo‘s monumental technical achievement here. Crafting a living, breathing open world environment of this scale – one densely packed with diversions tailored to inspire the player‘s creativity for 100+ hours – is no simple task. My first playthrough flew by in a blink as I uncovered new challenges awaiting around every corner.

Visualizing Breath of the Wild‘s Striking Scale

It‘s hard to internalize these map dimensions as abstract numbers. So let‘s try visualizing the sheer scale:

  • If Skyrim was represented by a large college campus at 2 miles wide and 3 miles top to bottom, the massiveness of Breath of the Wild‘s world would span nearly the size of an entire city!
  • Over two-thirds of Skyrim‘s hand-crafted locations and landmarks could fit inside Breath of the Wild‘s boundaries with room to spare
  • At a towering ~10,000 feet, Breath of the Wild‘s Satori Mountain and Mount Lanayru stand far taller than even Skyrim‘s tallest peak, The Throat of the World

What ultimately sets Breath of the Wild worlds apart is not strictly size, but how meaningfully it fills this space with diversions tailored to inspire the player‘s creativity. I easily spent 5+ hours manipulating its advanced physics and chemistry systems to bypass a single puzzle-ridden shrine in ways the designers likely never predicted! No other open world provides this level of experimentation.

Completion Time Comparison – Quantity or Quality?

Alright, I can envision some Skyrim loyalists arguing that despite Breath of the Wild‘s size advantage, Skyrim still delivers more total gameplay hours. Completing nearly every side activity Skyrim offers takes ~232 hours by most estimates, while a full Breath of the Wild playthrough clocks in around 189 hours.

Here‘s my hot take: the enjoyability and richness of those hours matters far more than purely quantitative game length. And by packing more meaningful interactions per square meter without question, Breath of the Wild delivers a vastly richer and dense open world experience.

Just consider the incredible diversity packed into Breath of the Wild‘s 84 km2 landscape: sprawling medieval castles with complex background lore, mysterious futuristic tech labs, sweltering active volcanoes, misty lush forests straight out of Princess Mononoke. That‘s not even mentioning the 100+ cleverly-designed puzzle shrines, 900 tiny Korok seeds to track down and collect, and armor upgrade systems with intricacies that can still reveal surprises on a 3rd playthrough.

In contrast, Skyrim often reused similar-looking caves and dungeons padded with repetitive Draugr adversaries. While highly customizable, Skyrim‘s crafting system also lacks the cultural flavor and charming visual flair made possible by Breath of the Wild‘s bespoke art direction.

If we conservatively estimate Breath of the Wild provides twice the enjoyment per hour over Skyrim, I‘d need to play 500 additional hours of new Skyrim content to match the magical density of its world! And that still fails to account for Breath of the Wild‘s nigh-infinite replay value fueled by its flexible experimentation mechanics.

In summary, while Skyrim offers more hours on paper, Breath of the Wild makes each hour count by sustaining curiosity, surprise and meaningful interactivity across one of gaming‘s most richly presented open worlds.

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