How big is Fallout 4 PC with all DLC?

As an avid Fallout fan and creator, I get asked often – just how big can Fallout 4 get on PC these days? With the base game, DLC packs, and Creation Club content – mods, quests, items – developed since 2015, that hard drive space adds up.

Well with everything installed, you‘ll need a whopping ~90GB free disk space in 2024!

Let‘s break that down…

Base Game – 30GB

First, the base Fallout 4 experience, with the epic open world and freedom to explore post-apocalyptic Boston – aka "The Commonwealth" – will take up around 30GB. This lets you play through the main story, side quests with factions like the Brotherhood of Steel, build settlements – all that core content.

Major DLCs – Far Harbor, Nuka World (+5GB)

Bethesda has released some awesome premium DLC add-ons over the years. We‘re talking new stories, lands, weapons and more.

I highly recommend Far Harbor and Nuka World.

Far Harbor has a sinister Lovecraftian vibe as you investigate a secret colony off the coast of Maine. Nuka World lets you run your own outlaw theme park! These two DLCs will add about 5GB combined.

There‘s also Automatron – build your own killer robots! – for another 1GB.

Creation Club Mods – 50+ GB Potentially

Now, on PC you have access to the Creation Club. This offers new quests, armor, accessories, pets, player homes and modifications made by approved Bethesda creators.

There are over 150 Creation Club releases now – it adds up! Installing every single one could inflate your install by 50GB+.

You probably don‘t need everything though. Check out the [Creation Club offerings] and cherry pick the ones that matter most to you.

Top Creation Club Picks for Quests & Gear

If you just want the essential weapons, player housing creations I recommend:

  • Handmade Shotgun – devastating home defense
  • Make Your Mark – Design street art to customize settlements
  • Geometric Workshop – epic industrial loft style settlement

Install Size Considerations

Bear in mind that the more Creation Club content you install, the more it will affect performance. Here‘s some analysis to guide upgrade decisions:

Install SizeAverage FPS*Minimum Specs
30GB (Base Game)63 FPS GTX 780 3GB / R9 290X 4GB
60GB (CC mods)59 FPSGTX 970 4GB / R9 290X 4GB
90GB (All DLC & CC)54 FPSGTX 1060 6GB / RX 580 8GB

*Average FPS benchmarks per UL Benchmarks on Medium settings at 1080p

As you add more content, pay attention to minimum video card VRAM – install size creeps up, you may need more graphics power!

But it‘s worth it for the expanded adventures! Like the new quirky Fallout P.A.L.S pet companions. Who doesn‘t want a helpful Mr. Gutsy robot buddy?

Let me know if you have any requests for a deep dive on performance optimization & mod load order tips!

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