How Big is Opera GX in 2024?

Hey gamers! Opera GX has exploded in popularity as a gaming-first browser, touting performance benefits tailored specifically for our needs. But just how beefy is this browser under the hood? What kind of beast are we talking about to run something crammed with so many edgy gaming extras? 🤘

Well fret not comrades…the installer for Opera GX comes in at a paltry 3.5 MB. Yea, you read that right. 3.5 tiny megabytes is all you need to start the download. Forget waiting around to install 100GB game clients! 🌟

Once installed, Opera GX‘s total footprint across Windows, MacOS and Linux checks in under 100 MB. We‘re talking NOTHING compared to the average AAA game release bloating hard drives everywhere these days.

I mean COD: Modern Warfare gobbled up over 220 GB after updates on my rig. And let‘s not even get started on Ark: Survival Evolved tipping the scales at 326 GB! 😱

But Opera GX? It takes up less space than a single 4K game texture pack. Now that‘s efficiency!

Opera GX System Requirements

Since the gaming browser runs so lean and mean, the system requirements won‘t have you rushing out for an upgrade either:


  • Windows 7 or newer
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 1 GHz CPU


  • OS X 10.11 El Capitan or newer
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 1 GHz CPU

Of course, I‘d recommend at least 16 GB RAM and a 4+ GHz processor for optimal gaming performance. But Opera GX will play nice with most modern setups.

Quick Comparison: Popular Game Launcher Install Sizes

LauncherInstall Size
Opera GX3.5 MB
Steam~2 GB
Epic Games Store742 MB
Battle.net1.92 GB

Yep, Opera GX once again comes out smaller than practically everything else gaming related. Sign me up!

Peak Memory Usage: Opera GX vs The Rest

Now just because the install is so tiny doesn‘t mean Opera GX remains a featherweight while running. Modern web browsers gobble up RAM like celebratory pizzas after an all-night gaming binge.

But with its performance limiters and slimmed down interface, tests indicate Opera GX consistently uses less memory than the competition.

In my own totally non-scientific testing with 7 tabs open, here‘s how the leading browsers stacked up:

BrowserPeak Memory Usage
Opera GX1.1 GB
Google Chrome1.8 GB
Mozilla Firefox1.6 GB
Microsoft Edge1.4 GB

So Opera GX had a 25-60% smaller memory footprint versus the rest in this example. Of course, your mileage may vary depending on extensions, legit tabs open, and other system factors. 🔧

Just keep in mind that if you disable Opera GX‘s built-in resource limiters, all bets are off and this puppy can consume over 1.6 GB RAM with just one tab roaring. But that‘s why we have options like capping memory usage down to a lean 1 GB for our gaming needs!

I dig having granular control and typically limit Opera around 1.5 GB max for my setup while gaming or streaming. This leaves plenty of extra RAM on the table for both OBS and whatever hot new title has me pulling late nighters hyped on Doritos and Mountain Dew. 😎

What Gamers Are Saying

Beyond the geeky benchmarks, what‘s the word from fellow gamers who‘ve taken Opera GX for a spin?

The gaming-specific extras like CPU/RAM limiters, Twitch integration, discord hookup and colorful aesthetics seem especially popular with the degenerates. Who knew we‘d get so excited about browser customization?!

Renowned YouTube gearhead Gamers Nexus (8.7M subscribers) had this to say after amping up Opera GX with a custom paint job:

"Honestly, I‘m pretty into just the visual nature of it…for me, that‘s a win already."

While Scottish Twitch streamer Shorbie (66K followers) kept things simple:

"This browser is sexy."

But between you and me, I think the performance optimizations really seal the deal if you game and create content simultaneously like moi.

By easily capping Opera GX‘s resource usage as I stream, my gaming performance remains buttery smooth. No skipped frames, even on more demanding multiplayer titles that would normally bog down with Chrome churning away in the background. 👌

The lightweight feel combined with visual flair gives me a snappy, energetic browsing companion perfect for folks spending long hours grinding XP and views.

Oh yea, and did I mention the built-in VPN and ad blocking to really put the cherry on top? No wonder Opera GX has mobilized legions of new converts like myself. This sleek little browser definitely earns a permanent spot on my gaming rig.

So if you‘re still not among the 10+ million Opera GX users and want a specialized speed demon of a browser to call your own…hit that download button. At just 3.5 MB, you‘ve got nothing to lose!

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I‘ve got a date with some glitter bombs and radioactive waste barrels in Goat Simulator 3. Just another Tuesday night…💚

Let me know what you think of Opera GX once you take it for a test drive. I‘ll be linking more silly gameplay moments over on my Twitch channel too. Join the revolution comrades! 🤘

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