How big is the biggest map in DBD?

As a passionate DBD player and content creator, one of the most common questions I see is players wondering just how big the maps in the game are. So let‘s take a deep dive into sizing up the biggest map, and how that compares to others.

Mother‘s Dwelling: The Biggest DBD Map

Spanning over a massive 3,000 square meters according to calculations based on the DBD wiki, Mother‘s Dwelling towers over other maps as the largest in the game with 188 tiles. To put that into perspective, the average map size is approximately 143 tiles.

For exact dimensions, each tile can be 16×16, 16×32 or 32×32 meters. The outer boundary walls surrounding maps provide an easy reference point, as the distance between each pillar section is 8 meters across.

So what does such a huge map mean for gameplay? In my experience, these massive Red Forest realm maps heavily favor survivor gameplay with more room to maneuver and lose killer aggro. Though for well-coordinated SWF groups, killers like Huntress or Deathslinger can still pressure across such a wide space.

Other Notable Map Sizes

To give more context around the spectrum of map sizes:

  • Midwich Elementary School: The smallest map in DBD at just 113.5 tiles and 1,800 square meters total area
  • Coal Tower: 2nd smallest map with 132 tiles, favored for competitive matches
  • The Game (Gideon Meat Plant): A more average sized map at 143 tiles
  • Eyrie of Crows: 2nd largest map at 185 tiles

So while Mother‘s Dwelling dwarfs other realms, Midwich and Coal Tower show just tightly cramped the smallest maps can be!

Ranking the Most Survivor Sided Maps

Based on my experience across over 500 hours playing DBD, these maps tends to favor survivor gameplay the most:

  1. Family Residence – Huge size and strong window loops
  2. Mount Ormond Resort – Difficult to track in the snow
  3. Dead Dawg Saloon – Solid pallet density
  4. Mother‘s Dwelling – Very large map detailed above!
  5. Ironworks of Misery – Strong structure and pallet placements
  6. The Pale Rose – Decent wiggle room across the swamp
  7. Lampkin Lane – Can easily break line of sight

So while Mother‘s Dwelling may be the biggest map, these other realms have unique advantages for survivors as well depending on tile placement, pallet quantity, and more.

Survivor vs Killer Map Preferences

Another key dynamic is how certain maps cater better to either survivors or killers. According to statistics aggregated on Dead by Daylight Wiki:

Most Survivor Sided MapsMost Killer Sided Maps
Mother‘s Dwelling (188 tiles)Midwich Elementary School (113.5 tiles)
Family ResidenceGideon Meat Plant (143 average tiles)
Dead Dawg SaloonFather Campbell‘s Chapel

You‘ll notice the trend where more open, expansive maps favor survivors while enclosed, tight spaces benefit killer gameplay. This is why seasoned players pay close attention to map offerings in the pre-game lobby to try and tilt the odds in their favor!

Factoring Map Tile Density, Pallets, and Layout

There‘s more nuance to strong survivor maps than just pure size measurements though. As I analyzed in my ranked list of survivor sided maps above, you also have to factor:

  • Number of safe pallets across the map
  • Density of jungle gym tiles and strong window loops
  • Overall layout and ease of breaking killer line of sight

An excellent example is The Game (Gideon Meat Plant) map. Despite being around average size at 143 tiles, the tight corridors and short line of sight make it very difficult for survivors to escape a killer like Huntress or Deathslinger.

So don‘t assume by size alone if a realm is eliminator-friendly or not! Pore through pallet placements, study tile patterns, and master navigating break line of sight across structures.

In Summary: Sizing Up Mother‘s Dwelling as DBD‘s Biggest Map

Across over 20 unique realms, Mother‘s Dwelling stands tall as Dead by Daylight‘s largest map:

  • Spanning up to 3,000 m^2 total area
  • Made up of 188 map tiles in total
  • Favors survivor gameplay with more room to maneuver
  • Still possible for ranged killers to pressure across the wide spaces

But size doesn‘t automatically make a realm survivor-sided. Factors like pallet quantity, tile layout density, and the overall structure winding across the map all contribute to gameplay as well.

As you learn these intricacies over hundreds of matches, you‘ll discover which realms you dread to see, and those where you smugly rub your hands together in anticipation of the advantages they offer your favored role!

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