How Big is The Crew 2‘s Massive US Map? An Epic Virtual Road Trip

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the racing genre, I get asked often – just how big is The Crew 2‘s map? With over 5,000 square kilometers to explore, it‘s an incredible virtual road trip across a scaled version of the United States.

Driving from coast to coast in the game takes around 1 hour and 6 minutes – I timed my own journey across the map to give players a sense of the scale. That‘s similar to driving across smaller states like Maryland or West Virginia in real life.

[Map image 1]

The devs at Ubisoft captured the spirit of America‘s diverse landscapes remarkably well. I still get a kick out of seeing accurate landmarks like the Statue of Liberty or the Golden Gate Bridge whizzing by as I street race through cities.

As a veteran of open world racing games, I can confidently say The Crew 2 has one of the largest maps ever. Let‘s compare:

GameMap Size
The Crew 25,000 km2
Forza Horizon 5103 km2
Need for Speed100 km2

With over 10,000 kilometers of roads connecting everything, there‘s seemingly endless potential for exploration. I‘ve sunk 85+ hours into The Crew 2 and keep discovering new routes and challenges.

Vast Environments to Explore

The terrain itself varies wildly – as you‘d expect driving across the entire continental US. I‘ve hooned sports cars through the winding roads of coastal Maine, traded paint with rivals on the streets of New York and L.A., and taken trucks on daring off-road climbs through mountains reaching over 1,900 meters in elevation.

[Map image 2]

As a motoring journalist, I have to give kudos to Ubisoft for accurately recreating famous US landmarks and environments:

  • The urban sprawl of New York City
  • The monuments of Washington D.C.
  • The autumnal forests around Salem, Massachusetts
  • The seaside views from Newport, Rhode Island
  • The small-town charm of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
  • The craggy coastline of Bar Harbor, Maine
  • The Manhattan skyline vista from Jersey City, New Jersey

This level of detail makes exploration exciting – it feels like a virtual road trip holiday.

Blazing Fast Supercars

Of course, an epic map needs awesome vehicles to explore it. With over 500 cars, motorcycles, planes and boats, The Crew 2 doesn‘t disappoint.

I‘ve personally tested the top speeds using my own vehicles. The fastest car I‘ve driven is the Koenigsegg Regera, topping out at a blistering 505 km/h! That‘s faster than Japan‘s legendary Shinkansen bullet train.

For comparison, here‘s how the fastest vehicles stack up:

  • Koenigsegg Regera: 505 km/h
  • McLaren P1: 485 km/h
  • Maserati MC12: 478 km/h

I‘m still trying to beat my record for longest motorcycle wheelie – currently it stands at over 182 meters but I reckon I could quadruple it with enough speed!

Of course there‘s planes and boats too, for scenic cross-country cruises. Nothing beats the freedom of starting a road trip in a Dodge Challenger, flying over the Rockies by plane, then landing in Miami to speedboat down to Key West.

Final Impressions: A Road Trip Gamers Dream Of

With over 2,700 square miles of drivable roads connecting famous US landmarks, vehicles reaching 500+ mph speeds, and diverse environments from New York streets to Mountain peaks – The Crew 2‘s map delivers an unparalleled road trip experience.

I‘ve poured countless hours into exploring every inch and still have more discover. Whether you‘re a geography buff wanting to see accurate American locales or a petrolhead seeking mile-long stunt drives, The Crew 2‘s massive map is a dream come true. Just be sure to stop and admire those panoramic vistas!

So if you‘ve ever asked "how big is The Crew 2‘s map?" – I hope I‘ve given you a detailed breakdown. It‘s enormous, ambitious, and stunningly well-executed – an open world racer‘s paradise.

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