Just How Extensive are the Maps in Truck Simulator Games?

As a long-time trucking game enthusiast, one of the most common questions I see from new players is: how truly big are the maps in hardcore trucking sims like Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2) and American Truck Simulator (ATS)? With their real-world settings, one might expect the maps to be vast – so let‘s break it down with some insider info!

ETS2: 94,500 km of European Roads and Counting

The ETS2 map aims to recreate Europe‘s famous highways at a scaled ratio of 1:19. This means every 19 km in the gaming world matches just 1 km in real life. Condensing the continent this way allows for a richly detailed environment without needing petabytes of data!

Across the base map and DLC expansions, ETS2 now sports over 5,500 km of drivable roads. With all the DLCs installed, players have charted the total road length to exceed 94,500 km – practically the circumference of the Earth!

Map RegionRoad Length
Base Map2963 km
Going East DLC1260 km
Scandinavia DLC1920 km
Vive La France DLC3360 km
Italia DLC3140 km
Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC3760 km
Heart of Russia DLC2250 km
Total94,500+ km

^*Road ^length ^estimates ^sourced ^from ^ETS2 ^fan ^communities

This means truckers can crisscross between over 300 faithfully recreated European cities across dozens of countries without ever running out of fresh journeys. From the snaking mountain passes in Italy to the autumnal forests of Scandinavia, the landscapes remain stunningly true-to-life backdrops along hundreds of hours of road trips.

American Truck Simulator: 11 US States and Growing

Meanwhile, ATS treats players to similarly expansive vistas across the United States at a marginally more condensed 1:20 scale. Though only the western states have been added so far, the terrain encompasses varied topography from the lush forests of Oregon to the arid deserts of Nevada.

It takes approximately 42 minutes to drive from one end of the map to the other. At 65 mph highway speeds, this suggests a map spanning over 450 miles end-to-end. Of course, players are not confined to a linear route – even more hours can be whiled away crisscrossing between cities or simply admiring the scenery.

The base game originally included only California and Arizona when launched in 2016. However, SCS Software has since impressively rolled out free DLCs adding another 9 US states as of 2022:

  • Nevada
  • New Mexico
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Idaho
  • Utah
  • Colorado
  • Wyoming
  • Montana

Texas is also due to release soon in an upcoming DLC for 2023. Further, the communities of modders and level designers around trucking games have already added even more custom states. Mega-maps showcasing all mainland US regions demonstrate the insane level of detail these small but dedicated player bases can achieve!

Ever-Expanding Horizons Through DLCs and Mods

Indeed, one of the most exciting aspects for veteran trucking fans is speculating where SCS Software might take the map next. In my opinion, ETS3 seems more likely than a direct ATS sequel given the greater commercial opportunities in Europe.

However, the community creators ensure even aging titles continue churning out amazing fan-made content. The latest 1.44 open beta for ETS2 also hints at an upcoming official Latin American expansion, opening up more tropical routes to relish!

In summary, while condensed from true 1:1 scales, the pure breadth of the ETS2 and ATS world maps continues impressing even after hundreds of hours on the road. Whether calmly admiring the latest graphical flourishes or battling perilous tight deadlines, these simulated highways never fail delivering exciting horizons for tomorrow!

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