How big is the Ragnarok map?

Spanning over 144 square kilometers of playable space – and approximately 576 sq km in total size – the Ragnarok map offers one of the largest and most varied worlds ever seen in the ARK universe. Let‘s break down everything this ambitious fan-made expansion has to offer:

Ragnarok‘s Staggering Scale and Diverse Landscapes

From lush green forests and grasslands to towering snow-capped mountains, Ragnarok contains an astonishing range of landscapes and challenges. Approximately 70% is covered by forests, grasslands and frigid alpine regions, with the rest tropical, coastal and desert.

Crossing this huge map on foot takes serious dedication – but the variety makes it worthwhile. I‘d recommend establishing coastal and inland bases to segment your exploration. Tame flying creatures and build boats to cover ground quicker between regions.

Specialized Strategies to Match Diverse Environments

Ragnarok‘s landscapes aren‘t just visually stunning – they require specialized tactics and technology. The dense old-growth forests are rife with aggressive predators for example, while frigid mountains sap your thermal protection.

I‘d advise adaptive strategies focused on each biome‘s unique threats and harvest-able resources. Build snow gear before summiting wintry peaks, then switch to hazard protection when exploring tropical heat or radioactive caves. This diversity keeps gameplay exciting across the many hours it takes to uncover Ragnarok‘s secrets.

Room for All Playstyles with Massive Creative Potential

Not only is this ARK‘s largest map, it may also enable the most creative base building possibilities across land, sea and air. Find a hidden gorge to construct an epic fortress, or dominate oceans with an armada of submarines. Solo survivors can carve unique niches, while mega tribes can exploit Ragnarok‘s scale to construct astonishing cities.

With over double The Island‘s size plus new creatures and gear, Ragnarok set the benchmark for ARK expansions. Whether you enjoy taming, spelunking, breeding, raiding or just sight-seeing…this map‘s diversity offers something exciting for all survivor playstyles!

So while crossing and fully exploring this huge land might seem intimidating, that challenge makes uncovering all Ragnarok‘s secrets so rewarding. The scale and variety give creative players near endless gameplay possibilities!

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