How big is the Riot Games folder?

As an avid Riot Games fan and content creator, one question I get asked a lot by fellow gamers is: how much disk space will Riot‘s ever-expanding library of titles take up? With smash hits like League of Legends and Valorant under their belt and new games on the horizon, it‘s no wonder storage capacity concerns are topping mindshare.

Well dear gamers, you‘ve come to the right place. In this deep dive article, I‘ll break down the fully updated folder sizes for all major Riot games as of 2023 so you know exactly what you‘re getting into storage-wise. Time to find out if you need to invest in another SSD!

The Current Riot Games Folder Size – A Quick Rundown

Let‘s cut right to the chase shall we? Based on the latest available data, here‘s a snapshot of how big (or small) the Riot folder is:

Total Riot Games Folder Size (All Current Major Titles): 25-30GB

That includes storing mega-hits like League of Legends, Valorant, Legends of Runeterra, and Teamfight Tactics locally.

Now 25-30GB is no drop in the bucket – but compared to the average AAA title these days, it‘s still reasonably sized for the amount of games included. However, as Riot releases new titles, don‘t be surprised if that folder balloons over time. We‘ll get into an analysis of potential future storage needs a bit later!

First, let‘s break down the folder size Requirement for each major Riot game title by title…

Riot Title Storage Requirements

1. League of Legends

As Riot‘s poster child and most popular title to date, you better believe League takes up a healthy chunk of real estate. After a fresh install you can expect LoL alone to take up 5-6GB.

However, if you factor in accumulated patches, legacy files for rollbacks, and other long-term bloat, that number often creeps up to 8-12GB based on player reports. Riot does enable the option to "clean install" which may provide additional savings.

2. Valorant

Coming in hot on LoL‘s heels is Riot‘s viral competitive tac-shooter – Valorant. According to Riot‘s client, Valorant‘s base install as of 2023 is around 28.4GB.

That positions Valorant‘s storage footprint larger than League‘s thanks likely to higher-fidelity graphics, textures, and maps compared to LoL‘s stylized aesthetic.

3. Legends of Runeterra & Teamfight Tactics

Rounding out Riot‘s "Big 3" titles, both Legends of Runeterra and Teamfight Tactics clock in under 3GB each. These lighter game clients focus mainly on card battles and auto chess respectively.

Combined, LoR and TFT make up roughly 5GB total across both titles.

4. Upcoming Titles

While Riot‘s major current titles seem reasonably tamed storage-wise, the gaming behemoth has no plans to slow down the new releases. Upcoming multiplayer titles like Project L and the rumored League of Legends MMO could continue expanding the Riot folder‘s waistline.

Early Project L testing seems to indicate a install around 15GB. And considering the scope of a LoL MMO, you can expect well above 25GB+ once assets, textures and worlds build out.

The good news? Riot seems committed to supporting added storage flexibility like partial installs so gamers aren‘t forced into buying new SSDs!

How Does Riot‘s Folder Size Compare to Other Launchers?

To help contextualize Riot‘s storage footprint, let‘s see how they stack up against some other players in the space. The rise of AAA games and "forever titles" like Fortnite and Apex means gaming libaries are demanding more and more local real estate – a trend Riot partially bucks.

Launcher/GameStorage Requirements
1Call of Duty Modern Warfare235GB
2Red Dead Redemption 2120GB
3Riot Games (All Titles)25-30GB
4Final Fantasy 15110GB

As shown above, best-in-class titles like CoD and Read Dead require well above 100GB each. At one-fourth the size, Riot‘s current combined storage Requirement is comparably petite.

However, with gaming storage bloat showing no signs of slowing, even Riot‘s svelte folder could be demanding down the road.

Why is Riot‘s Folder So Large Currently?

Given Riot‘s genres aren‘t as asset intensive as shooters or open-world RPGs, what explains the big jump from 5GB to 25GB? A few factors:

  • Patch & Version Histories: Riot retains old patch install files for quick rollback
  • Game Mode Bloat: Supporting multiple modes with shared assets (TFT, ARAM etc)
  • Anti-Cheat & DRM: Valorant‘s kernel-level Vanguard anti-cheat
  • High-Quality Assets: Newer titles built for modern systems and textures

While Riot likely optimizes under the hood, legacy compatibility and expanding game modes pile on the gigabytes.

The silver lining? Riot avoids the era-defining "one-size-fits-all" installs as titles like CoD continue ballooning to north of 200GB.

The Future of Riot‘s Storage Requirements

If this analysis shows anything, it‘s that Riot is actually pacing better than many studios in the storage arms race. But what does the future look like as Riot moves beyond the "Big 3" and explores new genres?

Based on testing and reports so far:

  • Project L: ~15GB
  • MMO: 30-50GB+ (Unconfirmed)
  • Mobile: Under 3GB each

Riot‘s focus on modular installs provides hope that 100GB+ single title bloat can be combated. Workarounds like selective asset downloads, external cloud storage integration, and partial installs/uninstalls should keep local storage reasonable.

Plus, Riot‘s titles share common ecosystems – meaning shared libraries and assets can be centrally managed rather than duplicated per game. Welcome news for our ever-dwindling SSD capacity!

The Bottom Line

While no means the leanest, Riot‘s current and near-future storage footprint looks kindly compared to outpacing genre leaders. And with new battleground tech like cloud rendering and procedural content generation unlocking more possibilities, getting "priced out" of playing Riot Games anytime soon hopefully stays gaming doomsday fantasy!

But for now dear gamers, rest assured that 25GB should have your Riot gaming needs covered. Just keep an eye on those upcoming titles as exciting new genres mean room for growth!

Let me know what you think – and as always, game on!

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