Unlocking Complete Creative Freedom: How to Fully Edit Your Sims‘ Bodies

As an avid Sims gamer and content creator, one of my favorite parts of the experience is sculpting unique Sims. Have you ever felt limited while editing your Sims though? Well luckily, with the cas.fulleditmode cheat, we can unlock total creative freedom over Sim bodes – going beyond what Create-A-Sim offers out of the box.

Activating the Magic Edit Mode Cheat

The key to unlocking extensive body customization capabilities lies in the cas.fulleditmode cheat code. To enable it:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console
  2. Type in cas.fulleditmode and hit enter.

This cheat will now persist until you disable it, granting you continuous editing powers whenever you enter Create-A-Sim.

Diving Into Create-A-Sim to Sculpt Your Masterpiece

Once the edit mode cheat is activated, you have two options to enter Create-A-Sim (CAS) and begin sculpting your Sim:

Shift + Click – Simply hover over any Sim on the lot and hold shift while clicking on them. This will instantly pull them up in CAS, body exposed and ready for editing.

Use Mirror – Interact with any full body mirror on the lot and select the "Change Sim" option. Just like that you‘ll enter CAS to customize that Sim.

Now the true power is unlocked. With the restrictions off, feel free to push every muscle and body fat slider to the extremes if your heart desires!

Creative Expression Through Body Editing

As both a gamer and creator myself, having total creative freedom in CAS is exhilarating. No longer am I bound by the limits of the default body adjustment sliders. Now I can bring all body types and shapes to life with ease.

Over the years I‘ve had fun not only creating practically proportioned Sims, but also experimenting with wild and whimsical body modifications:

  • Crafting extremely muscular Sims resembling the Hulk
  • Using the hip slider to give a Sim pronounced hourglass curves
  • Maxing a Sim‘s weight out for a large, cuddly character

The cas.fulleditmode cheat opens up new possibilities, allowing us to use CAS as a creative space for character design experiments and living sculptures.

Table: Default vs Modded CAS Capabilities

AdjustmentDefault LimitsMods Allow…
MusclesFit to very fitExtreme Hulk bulges
Body FatHealthy to largeObese blob shapes
HeightMedium variancesSupersize giants

Pushing Boundaries with Community Mods

While the edit mode cheat itself offers great customization freedom straight from Maxis, the mods created by the incredible Sims community take body editing even further.

Creative modders have produced custom body and muscle sliders allowing for insanely granular adjustments. Want 36 pack abs and tree trunk thighs? The modding community has your back. These mods build upon the cas.fulleditmode foundation, enhancing the tools available.

So embrace your creative instincts! Sculpt, adjust and play to your heart‘s content. The Sims is our collective fantasy sandbox after all – don‘t be afraid to push some boundaries with body editing.

Let me know some of your wildest body mods and experiments in the comments!

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