How Can I Open Packs in FIFA 22? The Ultimate Guide

As an avid FIFA gamer and content creator, few things get my heart pumping like opening packs in FIFA Ultimate Team. When you see that walkout animation and a chance at 85+ meta players for your squad–it‘s absolutely exhilarating. But opening packs is about more than just luck–you need to construct strategies that boost your odds at coveted cards.

How Do You Actually Open Packs?

The first basic step is acquiring player packs, whether through SBCs, Rewards, Tokens, the Store with coins or FIFA Points, Objectives, Twitch Prime Drops, or other means. That hard-earned pack will be sitting in the My Packs section of the FUT Store. To open it:

  1. Select the unopened pack from My Packs
  2. A thrilling card reveal animation plays out
  3. Your new cards appear! Add them to your Club or sell on Transfer Market

It‘s addictively fun seeing what coveted UCL cards or special promo players you might unpack. But next we‘ll get into bigger strategies.

Choosing Pack Types: Weighing Odds vs Costs

All pack types confer different odds at coveted cards. As a rule of thumb, more rare gold players (RGP) slots, the better chance at elites. Here‘s a comparison:

PackCardsRGP SlotsAvg CostWeights*
Bronze123400-750 coinsLow
Silver1242,500 coinsLow
Gold1265,000 coinsLow-moderate
Premium Gold1237,500 coinsModerate
Prime Gold12615,000 coinsModerate
Rare Players121225,000 coinsHigh
Jumbo Rare242445,000 coinsVery high

*Weights: Estimated probability range of packing 85+ rated cards

With Jumbo and Rare Player packs, you essentially pay more for better odds at elites. During big events, I save up ~50K coins specifically for these rather than waste coins on regular Golds.

When Should You Open Packs?

Pack openings are most exciting when special event cards enter packs. Here are the best times:

  • Team of the Week (Wednesdays): New IF cards upgrade pack odds
  • Promos (VARIES): Events like Rulebreakers, Future Stars, TOTY offer juiced packs
  • Lightning Rounds (Fri-Sun): Limited packs sell out fast! Be ready to open
  • New Content Drops (VARIES): RTTK, Record Breakers bring fresh meta cards

Ideally, have at least 300K coins saved up to capitalize on these events‘ lightning rounds. The packs fly off the shelves, but you‘ll have enough for some mega openings!

Maximizing Pack Openings: 10 Pro Tips

Beyond timing, there are strategic elements that set apart average from insane openings. After 20 years playing FIFA, here are my top 10 expert tips:

1. Watch Streamers React – It builds the hype!

2. Taper Expectations – Avoid heartbreak by expecting mostly 83s.

3. Sell League SBC Players – They hold value for SBC fodder.

4. Quick Sell Non-League Rares – Insta-sell minor league cards.

5. Review Key Stats/Work Rates – Assess new cards for your squad.

6. Compare Prices – Check costs before listing on Transfer Market.

7. Have a "Target Squad" Ready – Visualize dream upgrades from the pack opening.

8. Cover Eyes during Walkout – Don‘t peek early! Let the surprise hit.

9. React Genuinely on Stream – Viewers love authentic reactions.10.

10. Don‘t Dwell on Bad Packs – Move on quickly to the next one!

If you prepare both your coins and your mindset using these tips, your pack openings will reach much more satisfying heights!

Console vs Companion App: Where to Open For Convenience

Hardcore FUT fans know that pack openings on-the-go keep the adrenaline pumping anytime. But how exactly can you access packs remotely?

The Companion App is your tickt. I probably do 90% of my pack openings straight from my iPhone 12. The convenience factor is off the charts—just connect to your console account and open away. The animations and reveal sequences translate smoothly.

Downsides? App functionality lags a bit behind console editions. And if you‘re streaming, mobile cams lack the full production value. Still, for casual openings, I always have the Companion fired up to scratch the pack itch during idle moments.

Both formats offer the complete pack bonanza—just set your preference!

Building Anticipation: Maximizing The Rush Before The Reveal

Any hardcore FUT fan knows the exquisite agony of hovering over an unopened pack, heart thumping, staring desperately at that static icon—just aching to see the treasures within.

I live for these moments. And over two decades playing FIFA, I‘ve honed techniques to really build the anticipation right before ripping open a pack. They make even average pulls feel legendary by amplifying the thrill factor.

Here are my best practices:

  • Play tense music in the background
  • Dim the lights like a Vegas slot machine
  • Hype up the moment out loud while streaming
  • Describe the feeling to viewers as you finally click
  • Close your eyes and do a little prayer to the EA Gods
  • Slowly count down as you finally…submit!

Follow those guidelines, and even discard-level packs will get your blood truly pumping!

Once the electric moment arrives—it‘s all cinematic wonder, hearts racing, emotions erupting. Cherish each one…then swiftly move onto the next pack like an addict!

Final Thoughts

That covers everything you need for maximizing the glorious rush of FIFA pack openings—from timing strategies to theatrical build-ups that complement the reveal.

Whether you‘re an aspiring pro or casual player, bringing these tips into practice will take your FUT experience to new highs! Just stay patient with pack luck, avoid rage-selling duplicates too early, and remember: the next Neymar could be one pack away…

Now get out there, build those coin stacks, and unleash some wild pack openings! Feel free to DM me on Twitter @FIFA22Pro for any other FUT tips or content ideas. Game on!

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