How can I play Assassin’s Creed Unity again?

As an avid fan of Assassin’s Creed Unity with over 200 hours across Xbox and PlayStation platforms, I’ve replayed this game more times than I can count using various methods. Here are the best options to experience Unity again from the beginning or jump back into specific missions you loved.

Delete Saved Data and Start Fresh

Deleting your saved data is the quickest way to fully restart Unity. However, you should only use this method if you are fine losing all progress or already obtained all collectibles/achievements.


  • Completely resets game as if first time playing
  • Removes all customization options set


  • Permanently deletes all progression and statistics
  • Cannot reobtain some unique gear sets/rewards

Steps to Delete Data:

On PlayStation:

  1. Go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage
  2. Select the storage device Unity data is saved on
  3. Find Assassin’s Creed Unity data > Delete
  4. Confirm deletion when prompted

On Xbox:

  1. Go to Settings > System > Storage
  2. Select “Clear local Xbox 360 storage”
  3. Launch Unity – this will automatically delete all data

Once data is deleted, simply launch Unity again to start fresh! Expect a completion time around 16-20 hours for all main + side missions.

Create a New Profile

Creating a new user profile works similarly to deleting data, except you keep your original progress intact. This method works if you want to replay Unity while keeping your old save file.


  • Maintain original statistics and progression
  • Easily switch between old/new playthroughs


  • Re-earning collectibles can be tedious
  • Only works for 1 additional playthrough

Steps to Add New Profile:

On PlayStation:

  1. Create new user account/PSN ID
  2. Launch Unity from new account

On Xbox:

  1. Go to My Games & Apps > Full Library
  2. Find Assassin‘s Creed Unity > Press Menu Button on controller
  3. Select “Play With” > Choose new profile

Expect identical 16-20 hour completion time as playing normally. Use new profile whenever wanting your new playthrough.

Utilize New Game Plus

If you’ve already beaten Unity’s main story before, you can take advantage of New Game Plus mode – available after any ending. This lets you replay story missions while retaining all gear/skills from your last playthrough.


  • Keep weapons, gear, skills, resources
  • Increased difficulty scales up combat/parkour
  • Complete missions faster with abilities


  • Main story stays identical
  • Looting items not as rewarding

How to Access New Game Plus:

From Unity‘s main menu or pause screen:

  1. Navigate to Progress Tracker
  2. Select New Game Plus
  3. Choose a save file to carry over
  4. Confirm to begin new playthrough

Expect a 10-12 hour playthrough in New Game Plus – shaving off 4+ hours. Utilize Eagle Vision more often and buy the best weapons if lacking funds initially.

Replay Specific Missions

Unity also allows replaying most individual missions without requiring an entirely new playthrough. Perfect for revisiting your favorite assassination set pieces or nostalgic Paris districts.


  • Skip missions you disliked
  • Replay shorter sessions rather than full story
  • Experiment with more approaches to complete objectives


  • Loot/money does not carry over
  • Constraints still applied from initial playthrough

How to Replay Missions:

From Unity‘s pause menu or progression tracker:

  1. Navigate to the mission you want to replay
  2. Select mission > choose “Retry” or “Replay”
  3. Optional objectives may need recompleting to earn new rewards

Expect 30 mins – 2 hours per mission depending on length. Turn off mission tracker overlay for cleaner UI.

Hope this gives you plenty of options on how to replay Assassin’s Creed Unity again! Whether you want a completely fresh start or jump around picking favorite missions, Unity offers fantastic replay value for new and master assassins alike.

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