How to Resign From Amazon in 2024 (Using A to Z, Notice + More)

Amazon is an employer of choice for many, providing competitive pay and benefits. However, the company is also known for high turnover, short tenures, and a stressful fast-paced work culture. The average Amazon corporate employee lasts only about one year. For hourly fulfillment and warehouse workers, tenure is even shorter at around 9 months.

If you‘ve decided the Amazon work environment is no longer right for you, this comprehensive guide will walk you through professionally resigning in 2024.

How to Submit Your Resignation to Amazon

You have two options for submitting your resignation:

Resign Online Via the Amazon A to Z Website

Resigning through the A to Z employee portal is simple and straightforward:

  1. Login to and navigate to your homepage.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click "Thinking of leaving Amazon?"

AtoZ Resignation

  1. On the resignation page, enter your last day and click "Confirm Resignation".

  2. Amazon will send a Voluntary Termination email confirmation within 1-2 business days.

Resign in Person with Your Facility‘s HR

You can also resign in person by:

  • Scheduling a meeting with your facility‘s HR department.
  • Telling them clearly you are resigning and confirming your final work day.
  • Following up your conversation with a formal resignation letter/email to your manager.

Both options are fine, so choose the method you are most comfortable with.

Providing Two Weeks Notice is Recommended

Legally, you are not required to give any notice when quitting. However, providing two weeks notice is considered good professional etiquette and is highly recommended.

Giving proper notice allows your manager time to adjust schedules and transition your duties to others. It also leaves you on good terms with the company.

Here are some tips for providing notice:

  • Tell your direct manager first, before wider announcement.
  • Pick a notice end date that concludes ongoing projects and allows knowledge transfer.
  • Work productively until your last day to maintain positive relationships.
  • Offer to help document processes, organize files, and train others.

Giving an appropriate notice period ensures things end smoothly as you transition out.

You May Receive a Payout of Unused PTO

Depending on the laws in your state, you may be owed a payout for accrued but unused PTO when your employment ends. Here are some major state policies:

StatePTO Payout Required?
New YorkYes

Check with your HR department to confirm payout eligibility and amount based on your location, hours accrued, and other factors.

Amazon‘s Rehire Policy

If you resign professionally by giving proper notice, you are eligible for rehire after 90 days per Amazon‘s policy.

However, take time to carefully consider if the issues that led to your resignation have been resolved before reapplying. Look at whether the role, team, and work-life balance fit your needs and career goals.

Handling an Exit Interview

Your HR rep may request an exit interview to discuss your reasons for leaving and get feedback. Exit interviews are optional. If you choose to do one:

  • Remain positive. Don‘t vent, but do give constructive feedback.
  • Focus comments on the job, not people. Avoid personal attacks.
  • Decline to share confidential information about projects or clients.

Answer honestly but professionally to maintain your reputation during this transition.

Key Takeaways for Resigning from Amazon

Follow this advice to smoothly wrap up your time at Amazon:

  • Resign online through A to Z or in-person with HR.
  • Provide two weeks notice before your last day.
  • You may get a PTO payout depending on local laws.
  • You can reapply after 90 days if you resigned properly.
  • Handle an exit interview tactfully and avoid venting.

Resigning with professionalism ensures you maintain positive relationships and your reputation, both within Amazon and externally.

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