How to Quit Your Job at Target in 2024: The Expert Guide

Deciding to move on from your job at Target can be difficult. But when you know it‘s time, quitting properly ensures you leave on good terms. As a retail and HR expert, I‘ve created this comprehensive guide on gracefully resigning from Target in 2024.

Give Adequate Notice Time

While there is no law requiring notice, giving proper notice is essential. The standard professional courtesy is providing at least 2 weeks notice. This gives your manager time to handle the transition smoothly.

According to HR expert Suzanne Lucas, "Employers like transitions that don‘t leave them in the lurch." Giving notice shows you respect the company.

How to Submit Your Resignation:

  • Write a formal resignation letter stating your end date and reasons for leaving. Thank them for the opportunities.
  • Send letter/email to your direct supervisor and HR. This ensures all parties are notified.
  • Set up a meeting to personally tell your boss after sending the letter. This allows for a conversation.
  • Work all remaining shifts during the notice period. Calling out excessively reflects poorly.

Giving proper notice leaves the door open if you ever want to come back or use them as a reference. According to hiring managers, nearly 80% say they would rehire an employee who quit respectfully.

Use Workday to Make it Official

Resigning online through Workday ensures your departure is formally recorded in Target‘s system. Here are the steps:

  • Log into your Workday account
  • Go to your profile > Job Change > Resign
  • Enter your final work date (at least 14 days out)
  • Attach resignation letter (optional)
  • Add any comments
  • Inform your supervisor immediately after submitting

You shouldn‘t just stop showing up or abandon your job. Actually submitting your resignation through the proper channels covers you legally and professionally.

Fulfill Your Remaining Shift Schedule

Once you give notice, you are expected to work the entirety of the notice period (usually 14 days).

  • Look at your schedule and plan to be present for all remaining shifts. This maintains positive relationships.
  • If an emergency arises, communicate promptly with leadership to make arrangements. But otherwise, fulfill all duties.
  • Calling out excessively after resignation reflects poorly on you. Do your best to work all 14 days.

According to HR expert Lars Schmidt, "Employees shouldn’t see notice as a ‘two week vacation’ before they depart. Full work is expected."

Return All Company Property

Part of leaving properly is returning any Target property you have:

  • Uniforms, name badges

  • Keys, security cards, equipment

  • electronics, walkies, zebras

  • Documents, manuals, materials

  • Clean out your locker and desk and remove all personal belongings as well.

  • Return everything to your supervisor on your last day.

Failure to return company property often results in deductions from your last paycheck. So be thorough!

Receive Your Final Paycheck

Your last paycheck will be issued on the normal paydate after your final day.

  • It will include your remaining regular hourly pay as well as any unused PTO if permitted by Target policy.
  • If you don‘t receive it, contact HR.
  • Confirm your updated address if you moved after quitting.
  • Your tax forms will still be mailed next year.

Review your last pay stub to ensure accuracy and ask about any discrepancies.

Exit Gracefully on Your Last Day

  • Tie up any loose ends on unfinished projects and organize your files to help transition your workload.
  • Return any borrowed items to coworkers and clean your workspace.
  • Say goodbye to colleagues and express gratitude.
  • Maintain positive relationships, as you never know when you may cross paths again.
  • Exit gracefully and professionally, as this is your last impression.

When you know it‘s time to move on from Target, resigning properly ensures an amicable separation. Giving notice, returning property, receiving your final pay, and exiting with grace allows you to quit respectfully. Follow this comprehensive guide to smoothly transition out.

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