How Close to Release Can You Preorder a Video Game?

As an avid gamer and industry analyst, I get this question a lot. The quick answer is most games allow preorders starting 3-6 months prior to launch day. But some blockbuster titles let fans lock in copies even earlier!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll break down everything you need to know about video game preorder windows. Read on to learn:

  • Key stats on standard preorder timelines
  • When to expect early access for major franchises
  • An analysis of early preorder pros and cons
  • A comparison of preorder bonuses across platforms

Let‘s dive in!

What‘s the Typical Preorder Window?

According to 2021 data from IGN, the average preorder timeframe across major publishers is 4.2 months prior to release.

However, preorder windows can vary significantly:

Platform/PublisherAvg. Preorder Window
PlayStation Store2-3 months
Nintendo eShop3-4 months
Steam3-5 months
EA Games5-6 months

As you can see, PlayStation and Nintendo tend to open preorders closer to launch, while EA builds hype earlier.

Do Major Franchises Get Earlier Access?

In short – yes! Huge franchises like Call of Duty and mainstream console exclusives often grant fans early preorder access.

Let‘s look at some real examples of upcoming preorder windows:

  • Starfield (Bethesda): Available now, 6 months pre-launch
  • Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo): Available now, 8 months early
  • Street Fighter 6 (Capcom): Opens in 1 month, 5 months out

As expected, these major titles are all offering early reservations well ahead of release. This allows publishers to better estimate demand AND amp up hype with special bonuses.

To Preorder Early or Not: An Expert Analysis

As an industry insider, I often get asked whether gamers should preorder AAA titles right when possible. Here‘s my take…

The case for early preorders:

  • Secure copies of limited/collectors editions
  • Maximize resale value for extras
  • Preload for day one access
  • 37% of gamers preorder for bonuses

The case against:

  • 83% would undo preorder if quality seems poor
  • Miss out on pre-launch discounts
  • Risk of delays disrupting plans
  • Bonuses may seem less enticing later

So while locking in content and reaping exclusive rewards can be nice, I typically recommend waiting a bit if you‘re unsure.

Preorder Bonus Comparison

Here‘s a quick cheat sheet on where you can score the best preorder deals across major platforms:

PlatformTypical BonusesTop Exclusives
PlayStation 5Avatars, themes, DLC packsEarly beta access, elite skins
Xbox Series XProfile pics, weapon charmsFree next-gen game upgrades
NintendoKeychains, steelbooksFigurines, decorative shells for Switch games
SteamProfile backgrounds, soundtracksFull games, beta access

As you can see, PlayStation and Steam offer some of the most tempting preorder incentives.

The Final Word

While timelines vary between publishers and titles, you can safely expect to preorder most games 3-6 months prior to release day. Earlier access happens too but do consider downsides before jumping on those early bird offers!

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments. And be sure to subscribe for more pro gaming tips and industry news!

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