How Did AZ Live for 3000 Years?

AZ, once the mighty king of the Kalos region, achieved biological immortality and lived for over 3000 years after harnessing the powers of the Legendary Pokemon Xerneas and Yveltal to revive his deceased Floette.

The Legendary Machine That Granted Eternal Life

When his beloved Floette died unexpectedly during the war, the grief-striken AZ constructed a mechanized device powered by the life energy of other Pokemon. Through pseudoscientific means still unknown today, this machine could revive the dead and grant eternal life by tapping into Xerneas and Yveltal‘s godlike control over the life/death cycle.

Although AZ succeeded in resuscitating his dear Floette, they were now both condemned to wander the earth forevermore.

For perspective on AZ‘s unnaturally long lifespan, the average human lives around 70-90 years. In the brief 3000 years that AZ has walked among us, entire civilizations rose and fell – countless lives blinked into existence for their brief moment under the sun before vanishing once more into dust.

Yet AZ persisted, cursed and sustained by supernatural longevity. His tale defies human mortality and imagination alike.

The Burden of 3000 Solitary Years

However, AZ‘s great power came at a devastating price. To function, his machine syphoned the life force from other Pokemon. Floette realized with horror the cost of their immortality, and left AZ in disgust despite his pleas – cursing him to endure his endless existence alone.

AZ3000+ yearsLongest recorded lifespan of any human character
Floette3000+ yearsShared immortality with AZ
Alakazam5000+ yearsOne of the longest-lived non-legendary Pokemon

"My Floette had been gone for several hundred years, but her loss still caused me great pain," AZ once remarked.

One can only imagine the crushing isolation. Most ordinary humans struggle to cope with 80 short years – so the profound loneliness of 3000 begins to boggle comprehension.

By magnifying his lifespan far beyond the natural human scope, AZ‘s gift became his terrible cross to bear.

Atonement and Wandering

After reflecting on the folly of his actions for ages, AZ dedicated himself to destroying the weapon once and for all to prevent further misuse, resigning himself to life as a pariah. He wanders still, seeking absolution…his weathered face eternally young, yet ancient eyes heavy with centuries of regret.

Game director Tetsuya Watanabe called AZ‘s story "a very important part of the game and the Pokemon world‘s history in general." We glimpse only the tip of the iceburg – most of those 3000 long years remain a mystery, known only to AZ himself.

This astonishing firsthand bridge to the distant past fires imagination. What eras has he witness rise and fall? Did he influence great events secretly over the millennia? What is mere legend to us – could AZ recount as precious memory?


Through technological hubris, AZ achieved what mortals can only dream of – buying revival and immortality at devastating ethical cost to himself and the world. Neither fully alive or dead, AZ remains shackled by solitude and penitence.

His bittersweet story tempts tantalizing speculation and teaches profound lessons about our attempts to defy life‘s natural limits. AZ‘s legacy warns about both the towering heights and unfathomable depths such obsessions can lead.

Over 3000 years later, AZ‘s steps have slowed no closer towards redemption. But he yet persists tirelessly on that timeless journey of the soul – neither alive or dead – sustained forevermore by yearning.

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