How Did Finn the Human Lose His Arm?

The short answer? Finn‘s arm was gruesomely ripped from his body by a cursed grass sword during an intense boss fight with the Lich King at the Citadel.

As a passionate Adventure Time gamer and fan theory crafter, allow me to walk you through exactly what happened to our brave hero Finn in gory detail…

The Leadup: Storming the Citadel

Now to really understand this quest, you need to know a bit about the Citadel. This towering prison fortress holds the most dangerous villains in Ooo – we‘re talking final boss-level baddies like the Lich King.

The Lich isn‘t your garden variety skeleton necromancer. This literal embodiment of death nearly wiped out ALL life in Ooo until Finn smashed his soul-possessing wizard eyes. Talk about an epic loot drop!

Anyway, Finn discovers his deadbeat dad Martin is trapped in the Citadel. Still thirsty for some father-son bonding time, Finn decides to stage a full-on siege with his comrades to break his dad free.

The Citadel Bosses Finn Faced

Crystal Guardian★★★★☆
The Lich★★★★★

(As a gamer, I‘d rate the Citadel a solid 4 out of 5 dungeons)

The Fateful Battle

After hacking, slashing and puzzle-solving their way up the Citadel‘s floors, Finn and friends reach the top – only to find the FINAL BOSS himself waiting!

That‘s right, the Lich King was the final encounter guarding Martin. And let me tell you, this was one for the ages…

As a high DPS glass-cannon build, Finn immediately charges into melee range. But the Lich shrugs off Finn‘s furious flurry of blows like it‘s nothing! At the same time, the living-dead bastard taunts Finn about his "heroism" in an epic in-combat monologue.

Just when all hope seems lost, the Crystal Gem Guardian unleashes a magic nuke ult directly onto the Lich…but the beast survives with 1 HP!

Lich laughs maniacally while casting a signature NPC-killing AOE. The Citadel begins blowing apart as our heroes scramble. Even Martin seems ready to flee without his son.

With emerald flames raging around him, Finn notices a vulnerable child. Calling upon his true heroic spirit, Finn charges back in to shield the civilian. Suddenly, his cursed grass blade erupts in thorny vines…which painfully TEARS HIS ARM CLEAN OFF!!

Bloody memories trigger from Hambo‘s gnawing – the trauma and shock consumes Finn. He can only scream noiselessly as he plunges into dark waters below…

Rebirth: The Flower Arm

In the aftermath, magical healing liquid seeps into Finn‘s gory stump. A bulb sprouts, which gradually grows into a lumbering but strong FLORAL ARM!

Even one-armed, Finn‘s bravery blossoms anew – with a flowery reminder that heroes bear scars from their sacrifices. Safe to say though – Finn remains ever ready for a Lich King rematch!

So there you have it friends – the full tragic tale of our hero Finn losing his arm while saving others in a truly memorable boss encounter. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! And stay tuned as I speculate what sweet loot that flower arm might be hiding…

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